
Religion and the War Against Evil Religion and the War Against Evil

'Modernity' isn't the archfiend. But as often preached, it appears so to many.

Dec 7, 2001 / Feature / Harvey Cox

Fallen Idols Fallen Idols

In many instances, those who fetishize holy objects or sacred places are the very ones who exhibit the most depraved indifference to human life.

Mar 15, 2001 / Column / Christopher Hitchens

Letters to the Office of Faith-Based Initiatives Letters to the Office of Faith-Based Initiatives

Honored Infidel,       In the near future we plan to expand our faith-based initiative, Holy Terror Sandblasting and Demolition Corp. New York Ci...

Mar 15, 2001 / Column / Katha Pollitt

Freedom From Religion Freedom From Religion

What's at stake in faith-based politics

Feb 1, 2001 / Feature / Ellen Willis

Wiesel Words Wiesel Words

Is there a more contemptible poseur and windbag than Elie Wiesel? I suppose there may be. But not, surely, a poseur and windbag who receives (and takes as his due) such grotesque d...

Feb 1, 2001 / Column / Christopher Hitchens

Hello Larry, Thanks! John Hello Larry, Thanks! John

After a bruising fight fopr the presidency, George W. Bush is stocking his cabinet with figures from the far right, none more so than John Ashcroft.

Jan 18, 2001 / Column / Katha Pollitt

The Only King We Have Is Jesus The Only King We Have Is Jesus

(A newly unearthed gospel song credited to John Ashcroft) As I told the Bob Jones students, Seated white and black apart, This nation is unique, not like the rest. As I faced those godly youngsters, I told them from the heart Just why this land will always be the best: The only king we have is Jesus. And I feel blessed to bring that news. The only king we have is Jesus. I can't explain why we've got Jews. So because our king is Jesus, I'm often heard to say, Our kids should pray to Him each day in class. If some kids just stay silent, That's perfectly OK. But they'll all be given Jesus tests to pass. The only king we have is Jesus. That's the truth we all perceive. The only king we have is Jesus So Hindus may just have to leave. Now Jesus hates abortion, 'Cause Jesus loves all life. They call it choice; it's murder all the same. The killers must be punished-- The doctor, man and wife. We'll execute them all in Jesus' name. The only king we have is Jesus. It's Jesus who can keep us pure. The only king we have is Jesus. And He's Republican for sure. The homosexual lifestyle Could make our Jesus weep. He loathed their jokes about which cheek to turn. Yes, Jesus came to teach us With whom we're supposed to sleep. Ignore that and you'll go to Hell to burn. (Final chorus sung in tongues:) Tron smleck gha dreednus hoke b'loofnok Frak fag narst fag madoondah greeb. Tron smleck gha dreednus hoke b'loofnok Dar popish, flarge dyur darky, hebe.

Jan 18, 2001 / Column / Calvin Trillin

Bush’s Hammer Bush’s Hammer

House GOP whip Tom DeLay will do his best to pull the President to the right.

Jan 5, 2001 / Feature / Bob Dreyfuss

Block Ashcroft–I Block Ashcroft–I

John Ashcroft's nomination as Attorney General is the first installment on George W. Bush's enormous political debt to the radical right. Remember back in early February when Bus...

Jan 5, 2001 / Burt Neuborne

Block Ashcroft–II Block Ashcroft–II

Just how bad an Attorney General would John Ashcroft be? And is his nomination worth fighting? To answer the first question, talk to those who have experienced Ashcroft up close ...

Jan 5, 2001 / Bruce Shapiro
