
Cloud After Auschwitz Cloud After Auschwitz

You have "little trace," exclaimed Gershom Scholem in a letter he sent to the great Jewish political philosopher Hannah Arendt, of "love for the Jewish people." It was the early ...

Oct 26, 2000 / Books & the Arts / Neve Gordon

Whose Side’s Jesus On? Whose Side’s Jesus On?

Gore says he prays when crises loom. He asks just what would Jesus do. And then he does that very thing (If focus groups would do it too). So whose side's Jesus on, fol...

Oct 26, 2000 / Column / Calvin Trillin

Gay-Bashing at the Polls Gay-Bashing at the Polls

In their hunger to take back the White House, the Jerry Falwells and the Pat Robertsons have swallowed the mellow prose of Texas scripted for them by George W.'s handlers--but at...

Oct 12, 2000 / Doug Ireland

Walker in the Imagined City Walker in the Imagined City

Ben Katchor had been a bit of a cultural phenomenon for nearly a decade before he became a MacArthur fellow--a first for a cartoonist--this summer; is this the beginning of comic-s...

Sep 28, 2000 / Books & the Arts / Paul Buhle

Is the Wall Crumbling? Is the Wall Crumbling?

The current Supreme Court is so divided on fundamental questions of separation of church and state. that the appointment of one or two conservative Justices could well tip the bala...

Sep 25, 2000 / Feature / Norman Redlich

Freedom From Religion, ¡Si! Freedom From Religion, ¡Si!

"The Constitution guarantees freedom of religion, not freedom from religion," Senator Joseph Lieberman told a rapturous audience at a black church a few Sundays ago, just after...

Sep 7, 2000 / Column / Katha Pollitt

A Devil Theory of Islam A Devil Theory of Islam

Judith Miller is a New York Times reporter much in evidence on talk shows and seminars on the Middle East.

Jul 25, 2000 / Books & the Arts / Edward W. Said

Back to the Forward Back to the Forward

I start to worry whenever the Wall Street Journal editorial page cites theliberalNewRepublic for support.

May 3, 2000 / Column / Eric Alterman

Buchanan Inc. Buchanan Inc.

Research assistance for this article was provided by the Investigative Fund of The Nation Institute.

Nov 4, 1999 / Feature / Monte Paulsen

Bertelsmann’s Revisionist Bertelsmann’s Revisionist

The Investigative Fund of The Nation Institute provided research assistance.

Oct 21, 1999 / John S. Friedman and Hersch Fischler
