
Will the Easter Attacks Open New Fault Lines in Sri Lanka?

Will the Easter Attacks Open New Fault Lines in Sri Lanka? Will the Easter Attacks Open New Fault Lines in Sri Lanka?

In India, Hindu nationalists could use the bombings as an excuse to further divide and oppress.

May 3, 2019 / Barbara Crossette

Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka’s Easter Attacks Were Intended to Incite Violence Sri Lanka’s Easter Attacks Were Intended to Incite Violence

After 10 years of uneasy peace, many fear the bombings will push Sri Lanka into a new era of bloodshed.

Apr 23, 2019 / Nawal Arjini

Cathedral of Notre Dame going up in flames

The Burning of Notre Dame Is Not Just a Tragedy—It’s an Opportunity The Burning of Notre Dame Is Not Just a Tragedy—It’s an Opportunity

It’s an occasion to a consider a more expansive idea of what it means to be French.

Apr 17, 2019 / Daniel Judt

La Lomita Chapel v. border wall

Activists Are Invoking Religious Freedom to Save Migrants’ Lives Activists Are Invoking Religious Freedom to Save Migrants’ Lives

In court, members of the progressive No More Deaths group are trying to reclaim a law that has become synonymous with a conservative Christian moral agenda.

Apr 15, 2019 / Stephanie Russell-Kraft

How Does a Parent Explain the Christchurch Massacre to a Child?

How Does a Parent Explain the Christchurch Massacre to a Child? How Does a Parent Explain the Christchurch Massacre to a Child?

As a father raising his young Muslim son in Trump’s America, I felt I had to try.

Mar 25, 2019 / Murat C. Yıldız

White Supremacy in Australia Set the Stage for the Christchurch Massacre

White Supremacy in Australia Set the Stage for the Christchurch Massacre White Supremacy in Australia Set the Stage for the Christchurch Massacre

The mainstreaming of hate has become routine, in both the media and politics.

Mar 21, 2019 / Antony Loewenstein

Europe’s Twin Specters of Fear

Europe’s Twin Specters of Fear Europe’s Twin Specters of Fear

Paul Hanebrink’s new book tracks the entwined history of European anti-Semitism and anticommunism.

Mar 21, 2019 / Books & the Arts / James Chappel

The New Zealand Massacre Was Mass Murder as a Marketing Strategy

The New Zealand Massacre Was Mass Murder as a Marketing Strategy The New Zealand Massacre Was Mass Murder as a Marketing Strategy

The shooter’s intention was not just to kill but to recruit more killers inspired by white-supremacist hate.

Mar 20, 2019 / Moustafa Bayoumi

Uighur mosque in Xinjiang

What’s Really Happening to Uighurs in Xinjiang? What’s Really Happening to Uighurs in Xinjiang?

China may have interned more than a million Uighurs in Xinjiang in an attempt to suppress their desire for greater autonomy.

Mar 19, 2019 / Rémi Castets

Anders Breivik

White Supremacy Is Bigger Than 8Chan White Supremacy Is Bigger Than 8Chan

Blaming the Internet alone for racist mass shootings is a naive delusion. 

Mar 15, 2019 / Brendan O’Connor
