The Truth About American Muslims The Truth About American Muslims
People like Donald Trump are engaging in the kind of reckless demagoguery that only encourages discrimination and violence against our Muslim neighbors.
Dec 8, 2015 / Joshua Holland

Donald Trump’s Bottomless Bottom Donald Trump’s Bottomless Bottom
The GOP front-runner is tapping into a brutal xenophobia that’s at once un-American and uniquely American.
Dec 8, 2015 / Joan Walsh

Why Donald Trump Wants to Render Muslim Athletes Invisible Why Donald Trump Wants to Render Muslim Athletes Invisible
What in the name of Muhammad Ali is Donald Trump inhaling, other than the fumes of his own gaseous ego?
Dec 7, 2015 / Dave Zirin

Here’s What a Man Who Studied Every Suicide Attack in the World Says About ISIS’ Motives Here’s What a Man Who Studied Every Suicide Attack in the World Says About ISIS’ Motives
More than anything, the terrorist group’s outward expressions of religious fervor serve its secular objectives of controlling resources and territory.
Dec 2, 2015 / Joshua Holland

Not Everyone in North Carolina Wants to Keep Refugees Out Not Everyone in North Carolina Wants to Keep Refugees Out
In spite of what North Carolina’s governor has said, many in the state welcome religious and ethnic diversity—but their voices have been drowned out in the wake of the Paris attack...
Dec 1, 2015 / Phoebe Zerwick

Why Doesn’t This Big Mac Container Have a Picture of Baby Jesus? Why Doesn’t This Big Mac Container Have a Picture of Baby Jesus?
It’s just another example of anti-Christian bias in America!
Dec 1, 2015 / Tom Tomorrow

November 29, 1980: Dorothy Day Dies November 29, 1980: Dorothy Day Dies
“All the gamblers in a Greenwich Village bar admired her because she could drink any one of them under the table.”
Nov 29, 2015 / Richard Kreitner

Giving Thanks for a Nation of Migrants, Refugees, and Immigrants Giving Thanks for a Nation of Migrants, Refugees, and Immigrants
Rejecting the ugly politics of now, President Obama recalls an American Thanksgiving tradition of paying “tribute to people of every background and belief.”
Nov 26, 2015 / John Nichols

A Child of Refugees, and a Grateful, if Not Always Proud American A Child of Refugees, and a Grateful, if Not Always Proud American
Since the Paris attacks, I have been agitated by memories of my community after September 11.
Nov 24, 2015 / Sayu Bhojwani

An Illustrated Guide to the Dumbest Things Republicans Have Said About Refugees An Illustrated Guide to the Dumbest Things Republicans Have Said About Refugees
Words are not enough to capture how far the GOP’s rhetoric has devolved.
Nov 24, 2015 / Steve Brodner