
Muslims pray on Madison Avenue

Here We Go Again? Muslim Americans Brace for a Backlash After Paris Here We Go Again? Muslim Americans Brace for a Backlash After Paris

Muslim, Arab, and South Asian activists already see a far-too-familiar pattern in the US reaction—but also some signs of progress.

Nov 16, 2015 / Deepa Iyer

To Defeat ISIS, We Must Call Both Western and Muslim Leaders to Account

To Defeat ISIS, We Must Call Both Western and Muslim Leaders to Account To Defeat ISIS, We Must Call Both Western and Muslim Leaders to Account

And that includes the Saudi kings whose funding of Wahhabi doctrine gave rise to the scourge of Islamic extremism.

Nov 15, 2015 / Laila Lalami

October 19, 2003: Pope John Paul II Beatifies Mother Teresa

October 19, 2003: Pope John Paul II Beatifies Mother Teresa October 19, 2003: Pope John Paul II Beatifies Mother Teresa

“‘Mother’ Teresa has always preached indulgence to the rich and sacrifice and acceptance to the poor.”

Oct 19, 2015 / Richard Kreitner

At Catholic Hospitals, a ‘Right to Life’ but Not a Right to Death

At Catholic Hospitals, a ‘Right to Life’ but Not a Right to Death At Catholic Hospitals, a ‘Right to Life’ but Not a Right to Death

Five states permit doctors to help terminally ill patients end their lives, but Catholic hospitals still refuse to let their patients “die with dignity.”

Oct 8, 2015 / Katherine Stewart

Letters Icon

Letters From the October 26, 2015, Issue Letters From the October 26, 2015, Issue

Papal buzzkill… sister act… Bern, baby, bern… fuzzy math?… Greider the great…

Oct 8, 2015 / Our Readers and Bryce Covert

‘The Washington Post’ Finally Finds a War It Won’t Cheer

‘The Washington Post’ Finally Finds a War It Won’t Cheer ‘The Washington Post’ Finally Finds a War It Won’t Cheer

The Post is coming down hard against Russia’s operations in Syria.

Oct 5, 2015 / James Carden

October 4, 1965: Pope Paul VI Becomes the First Pope to Visit the Americas

October 4, 1965: Pope Paul VI Becomes the First Pope to Visit the Americas October 4, 1965: Pope Paul VI Becomes the First Pope to Visit the Americas

“Paul VI’s message was unmistakable, and more specific than could have been anticipated.”

Oct 4, 2015 / Richard Kreitner

The Pope’s Visit

The Pope’s Visit The Pope’s Visit

Pope Francis came and Yogi went— The latter up toward heaven sent. The pope seemed humble as that Yankee— He almost said, “Just call me Frankie.” But critics say that it’s a shame…

Oct 1, 2015 / Column / Calvin Trillin

September 30, 2005: Cartoons of the Prophet Muhammed Appear in a Danish Newspaper

September 30, 2005: Cartoons of the Prophet Muhammed Appear in a Danish Newspaper September 30, 2005: Cartoons of the Prophet Muhammed Appear in a Danish Newspaper

“The cartoon scandal is about much more than freedom of speech. At its heart the controversy is about power.”

Sep 30, 2015 / Richard Kreitner

On Climate Change, Listen to Pope Francis, Not Jeb Bush

On Climate Change, Listen to Pope Francis, Not Jeb Bush On Climate Change, Listen to Pope Francis, Not Jeb Bush

The politician says we should disregard the pope because “he’s not a scientist.” But the pope’s background is in chemistry and his counselors are top scientists.

Sep 27, 2015 / John Nichols
