Veil of Fears Veil of Fears
I don't like face-veiling either. But how does criminalizing Muslim women's clothing make them more equal?
May 26, 2010 / Column / Katha Pollitt

Let Us (Not) Pray Let Us (Not) Pray
For the Christian right, to reject a bigoted preacher is to deny "the right to pray."
Apr 29, 2010 / Column / Katha Pollitt
Kyrgyzstan’s Islamist Blowback Kyrgyzstan’s Islamist Blowback
American support for repressive governments has provided fertile ground for recruitment.
Apr 22, 2010 / Feature / David Trilling
Papal Indulgences Papal Indulgences
The Catholic Church's moral authority in the secular world is the most detestable aspect of the current scandal.
Mar 31, 2010 / Column / Katha Pollitt
National Catholic Reporter Joins Nuns in Backing Health Reform National Catholic Reporter Joins Nuns in Backing Health Reform
"Congress, and its Catholics, should say yes to health care reform," argues key Catholic paper, as representatives of 59,000 nuns back reform.
Mar 18, 2010 / John Nichols
Progressive Bible Study Progressive Bible Study
It might be time for progressives to lead our national bible study.
Feb 24, 2010 / Melissa Harris-Perry
Iraq’s New Sectarian Storm Clouds Iraq’s New Sectarian Storm Clouds
Tonight, President Obama will address the nation to discuss the drawdown of US combat forces in Iraq. In February, Robert Dreyfuss reported on the specter of civil conflict and the...
Feb 18, 2010 / Feature / Bob Dreyfuss
The Hero of the Orange Revolution Poisons Ukraine The Hero of the Orange Revolution Poisons Ukraine
No politician has ever suffered a more humiliating rejection than the former leader of Ukraine's Orange Revolution and its current sitting president, Viktor Yushchenko.
From Genesis to Gaia From Genesis to Gaia
If a conclusive disrespecting of Genesis was required, wouldn't you think R. Crumb was the man for the job?
Jan 7, 2010 / Column / Alexander Cockburn
The Transformation of Hamas The Transformation of Hamas
Palestine's Islamic movement has subtly changed its uncompromising posture on Israel.
Jan 7, 2010 / Feature / Fawaz A. Gerges