God’s Willing Executioners God’s Willing Executioners
God's War explores the barbaric clash of Christianity and Islam, and what happens when people follow religious voices that no one else can hear.
Nov 22, 2006 / Books & the Arts / Daniel Lazare
‘Arrows for the War’ ‘Arrows for the War’
The Christian "Quiverfull" movement measures a mother's spiritual resolve by the number of children she raises, each one an arrow in the quiver of God's army.
Nov 9, 2006 / Feature / Kathryn Joyce
Keeping Up Appearances Keeping Up Appearances
What are we to make of those who would equate Muslim women who wear the veil with the threat of terrorism?
Nov 9, 2006 / Column / Patricia J. Williams
In God’s Country In God’s Country
The secular left should think twice before casting religious people as its foes. After all, alienating potential allies and confining ourselves to a small sect of like-minded belie...
Nov 2, 2006 / Books & the Arts / Eyal Press
State of Denial State of Denial
By denying a noted Islamic religious scholar entry to the United States because of his ties to the Muslim Brotherhood, the Bush Administration reveals its inability to deal with th...
Oct 27, 2006 / Feature / Stephen Glain
Warlords of the First Amendment Warlords of the First Amendment
A right-wing radio host on the vanguard of the English Only movement provides a platform for religious crazies to keep them from ruining the funeral of murdered Amish girls.
Oct 12, 2006 / Column / Patricia J. Williams
AIPAC Runs Right AIPAC Runs Right
American Jews are liberals and support Democrats. Why, then, do Jewish organizations, supported by contributions of liberal Jews, strategize with Republicans on how to smear these ...
Oct 10, 2006 / Feature / Eric Alterman
With the Party of Dobson With the Party of Dobson
At the unofficial GOP midterm convention, Focus on the Family delivered election-day marching orders to the faithful, praising GOP hopefuls and hurling jeremiads against liberals, ...
Sep 27, 2006 / Feature / Max Blumenthal
Torture is a Moral Issue Torture is a Moral Issue
Will we be a nation that abides by our own Constitution and upholds international law? Or will we become a nation that punishes those who follow the orders while exonerating those...
Sep 26, 2006 / The Nation
The Pope’s Monopoly on Reason The Pope’s Monopoly on Reason
Pope Benedict XVI's controversial speech is indeed a call for dialogue among all religions. But what kind of dialogue is possible if the Pope believes his ideas are "rational" and ...
Sep 21, 2006 / Tarif Khalidi and Muhammad Ali Khalidi