Obama Stands Up to Bishops. Finally. Obama Stands Up to Bishops. Finally.
Shouldn't it be obvious that birth control coverage is about women's health, not “religious freedom”?
Jan 31, 2012 / Column / Katha Pollitt

Mexico’s Anti-Abortion Backlash Mexico’s Anti-Abortion Backlash
In just two years, half the country’s states have passed extreme fetal-rights amendments.
Jan 4, 2012 / Feature / Mary Cuddehe
HHS: Let’s Treat ALL Women Like Children HHS: Let’s Treat ALL Women Like Children
Did you assume the politicization of science was gone with the Bush administration and the reality-based community was back in charge? Think again.
Dec 8, 2011 / Katha Pollitt
‘As a Father of Two Daughters,’ Obama Embraces Politics Over Science on Emergency Contraception ‘As a Father of Two Daughters,’ Obama Embraces Politics Over Science on Emergency Contraception
The FDA made the right decision on EC—and Obama rejected it.
Dec 8, 2011 / Emily Douglas

Nation Conversations: Jordan Smith: Reproductive Health? Not in Rick Perry’s Texas Nation Conversations: Jordan Smith: Reproductive Health? Not in Rick Perry’s Texas
As governor of Texas, Rick Perry has deliberately and systematically bankrupted state-provided healthcare for low income and uninsured women.
Dec 1, 2011 / The Nation

Bishops vs. Women: Which Side Is Obama On? Bishops vs. Women: Which Side Is Obama On?
The president must decide what is more important: pandering to the Catholic hierarchy or protecting women's health.
Nov 30, 2011 / Column / Katha Pollitt

Rick Perry’s War on Women Rick Perry’s War on Women
How the Texas governor launched an assault on Planned Parenthood and women’s health.
Nov 30, 2011 / Feature / Jordan Smith
Melissa Harris-Perry: Colorado Personhood Amendment ‘Goes Too Far’ Melissa Harris-Perry: Colorado Personhood Amendment ‘Goes Too Far’
Two weeks after Mississippi's infamous "personhood" amendment was soundly defeated, anti-abortion activists have revived the legislation in Virginia and Colora...
Nov 22, 2011 / Press Room
The Mexican Education War The Mexican Education War
As in the United States, many Mexican education reformers focus on teachers' unions--but both countries need a broader public schools agenda.
Nov 10, 2011 / Dana Goldstein

Culture of Death: Who Gets to Be a Person in Mississippi? Culture of Death: Who Gets to Be a Person in Mississippi?
As the state votes on a personhood amendment defending the ‘sanctity of life,’ leadership is measured in executions and assassinations.
Nov 3, 2011 / Patricia J. Williams