The Party of Lincoln Is Now the Party of Jim Crow The Party of Lincoln Is Now the Party of Jim Crow
Not a single House Republican voted for the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act.
Aug 26, 2021 / John Nichols

Tax Billionaires’ Pandemic Profits Tax Billionaires’ Pandemic Profits
In one proposal, Democrats can fund the Biden agenda and fight back against widening inequality.
Aug 25, 2021 / Katrina vanden Heuvel

Making Rahm Emanuel Ambassador to Japan Would Be a Sick Joke Making Rahm Emanuel Ambassador to Japan Would Be a Sick Joke
Nominating the foul-mouthed former Chicago mayor is an insult to Japan—and a clear indication that Black lives don’t really matter.
Aug 24, 2021 / Robert L. Borosage

Cut Military Spending to Deliver Covid Vaccines to the World Cut Military Spending to Deliver Covid Vaccines to the World
The US cannot police the globe and should reject isolationist anti-refugee stances. Representative Mark Pocan proposes another path for American foreign policy.
Aug 20, 2021 / John Nichols

Why Are We Still Using Trump’s Broken Census? Why Are We Still Using Trump’s Broken Census?
While the Census showed significant growth among communities of color, it was still, almost certainly, a vast and deliberate undercount.
Aug 19, 2021 / Elie Mystal

If Liz Cheney’s Assigning Blame for an “Epic Failure” in Afghanistan, She Can Start With Her Father If Liz Cheney’s Assigning Blame for an “Epic Failure” in Afghanistan, She Can Start With Her Father
Dick Cheney created the mess Joe Biden is cleaning up.
Aug 17, 2021 / John Nichols

Rather Than Focus on How the US Got Out of Afghanistan, Focus on How It Got In Rather Than Focus on How the US Got Out of Afghanistan, Focus on How It Got In
There should be a serious accounting for the Afghanistan debacle.
Aug 17, 2021 / Katrina vanden Heuvel

The Friends of Andrew Cuomo The Friends of Andrew Cuomo
If incoming governor Kathy Hochul wants to get off to a fresh start, she’ll begin her housecleaning by giving these holdovers the heave-ho.
Aug 16, 2021 / Ross Barkan

Ron Johnson Does the Bidding of the Ultra-Rich Ron Johnson Does the Bidding of the Ultra-Rich
A new study reveals that Johnson’s “principled” stand for tax reform may enrich two of his campaign donors by half a billion dollars.
Aug 16, 2021 / John Nichols

California’s Recall Election Could Be a National Disaster California’s Recall Election Could Be a National Disaster
In a state with 40 million people, it’s entirely conceivable that a new governor could be “elected” with fewer than 2 million votes.
Aug 13, 2021 / Sasha Abramsky