
Tom Tomorrow cartoon

What To Do When Your Party Started An Insurrection What To Do When Your Party Started An Insurrection

Avoid accountability with only a few simple steps.

May 25, 2021 / Tom Tomorrow

Pro-choice rally in Washington, DC

Democrats Must Take Charge of the Debate About Abortion Democrats Must Take Charge of the Debate About Abortion

The danger of allowing right-wing extremists to silence the pro-choice majority is becoming clearer than ever.

May 25, 2021 / Ilyse Hogue and Ellie Langford

Representative Mike Gallagher

Amid All the GOP’s Profiles in Political Cowardice, None Is More Stark Than That of Mike Gallagher Amid All the GOP’s Profiles in Political Cowardice, None Is More Stark Than That of Mike Gallagher

The congressman, who once enjoyed praise for calling out Trump and demanding accountability, is now blocking a January 6 inquiry.

May 21, 2021 / John Nichols

Decrying Netanyahu’s ‘Racist Nationalism,’ Bernie Tells the Senate, ‘Palestinian Lives Matter’

Decrying Netanyahu’s ‘Racist Nationalism,’ Bernie Tells the Senate, ‘Palestinian Lives Matter’ Decrying Netanyahu’s ‘Racist Nationalism,’ Bernie Tells the Senate, ‘Palestinian Lives Matter’

As the UN describes Gaza as “hell on Earth,” Sanders seeks to prohibit the transfer of $735 million in new US bombs and munitions to Israel.

May 20, 2021 / John Nichols

Black Lives Matter

Republican Cancel Culture: State Laws to Suppress Activism Republican Cancel Culture: State Laws to Suppress Activism

Republicans in 33 states have introduced bills to make protesting a crime.

May 19, 2021 / David Cole

Rep. Kevin McCarthy

Kevin McCarthy Sinks Even Lower Kevin McCarthy Sinks Even Lower

He sells out a GOP House ally by opposing a bipartisan commission to investigate the January 6 insurrection. Is he afraid of what it will find?

May 18, 2021 / Joan Walsh

Tom Tomorrow cartoon

Cancel Culture, Case Closed Cancel Culture, Case Closed

The world’s greatest internet detective faces his hardest puzzle yet.

May 18, 2021 / Tom Tomorrow

Children at Little Flowers Early Childhood and Development Center

Will the GOP Scaremonger Us Out of Child Care and Family Leave? Will the GOP Scaremonger Us Out of Child Care and Family Leave?

Biden’s big proposals are popular, even with Republicans. So to oppose them, GOP leaders aren’t looking at the future; they’re looking way back.

May 14, 2021 / Joan Walsh

Representative Ilhan Omar

Trump’s Obsessive Attacks Won’t Silence Ilhan Omar’s Defense of Palestinian Human Rights Trump’s Obsessive Attacks Won’t Silence Ilhan Omar’s Defense of Palestinian Human Rights

Rather than address concerns about Israeli air strikes killing Palestinian children, Trump and his allies target a Muslim member of Congress.

May 13, 2021 / John Nichols

Rep. Elise Stefanik

Cheney vs. Stefanik Isn’t About Loyalty to Donald Trump Cheney vs. Stefanik Isn’t About Loyalty to Donald Trump

It’s about whether one of our two major parties is loyal to the principle of democracy.

May 12, 2021 / Joan Walsh
