
Edogan and Trump

Trump’s Erratic Syria Policy Deserves No Anti-Imperialist’s Cheers Trump’s Erratic Syria Policy Deserves No Anti-Imperialist’s Cheers

The Middle East mess requires diplomacy, not Trump’s green-lighting of Turkish aggression.

Oct 9, 2019 / Jeet Heer

Tom Tomorrow cartoon

The Untouchables The Untouchables

Nice country you’ve got here. Be a shame if something happened to it.

Oct 8, 2019 / Tom Tomorrow

The Wisconsin Senator Who Keeps Making Things Worse for Trump

The Wisconsin Senator Who Keeps Making Things Worse for Trump The Wisconsin Senator Who Keeps Making Things Worse for Trump

Wild-eyed Senator Ron Johnson is desperate to help the president. Instead, he’s confirmed a lot of what the whistle-blower said—and made Biden look good.

Oct 7, 2019 / John Nichols


Trump Is Still Riding Herd Over the GOP Trump Is Still Riding Herd Over the GOP

In a party of sheep, the incentive for lawmakers is to stick with Trump until the bitter end.

Oct 7, 2019 / Jeet Heer

Searching for Common Ground on Impeachment in NY’s 19th

Searching for Common Ground on Impeachment in NY’s 19th Searching for Common Ground on Impeachment in NY’s 19th

This is one of a year-long series of dispatches about life and politics in rural America, written by former Nation managing editor Karen Rothmyer.

Oct 4, 2019 / Karen Rothmyer

William Taylor

All the President’s Scandals All the President’s Scandals

As Ukrainegate dominates headlines, Democrats need to make the case that Trump’s corruption goes much deeper.

Oct 4, 2019 / Jeet Heer

The Impeachment Crisis Just Got Worse for the GOP

The Impeachment Crisis Just Got Worse for the GOP The Impeachment Crisis Just Got Worse for the GOP

Donald Trump is laying the groundwork to bring Pompeo and Pence down with him.

Oct 3, 2019 / Joan Walsh

It’s Time to Fight Trump’s Assault on Net Neutrality

It’s Time to Fight Trump’s Assault on Net Neutrality It’s Time to Fight Trump’s Assault on Net Neutrality

The courts won’t reverse Trump’s FCC. But the states, Congress, and presidential candidates can act to preserve a free and open Internet.

Oct 2, 2019 / John Nichols

Trump Is High on His Own Supply

Trump Is High on His Own Supply Trump Is High on His Own Supply

Ukrainegate proves that the paranoid style of politics is alive and well—and spreading through the executive branch.

Oct 2, 2019 / Jeet Heer

Daniel Ellsberg DC Rally

What the Godfather of Modern Whistle-Blowing Can Teach Us Now What the Godfather of Modern Whistle-Blowing Can Teach Us Now

As we face two “existential crises,” Daniel Ellsberg’s archives are finally being opened.

Oct 1, 2019 / Katrina vanden Heuvel
