Yes, Dems Should Block Gorsuch While the FBI’s Trump Probe Goes on Yes, Dems Should Block Gorsuch While the FBI’s Trump Probe Goes on
Mitch McConnell obstructed not only Obama’s Supreme Court pick but his effort to alert voters about Russian election hacking—inextricably tying these issues together.
Mar 22, 2017 / Joan Walsh

Neil Gorsuch Is Not Another Scalia. He’s the Next John Roberts. Neil Gorsuch Is Not Another Scalia. He’s the Next John Roberts.
Gorsuch puts a handsome face on an ugly ideology.
Mar 21, 2017 / Ari Berman

Can Republicans Be Trusted to Oversee the FBI Investigation of Trump’s Russia Ties? Can Republicans Be Trusted to Oversee the FBI Investigation of Trump’s Russia Ties?
They once found the idea of a president under FBI investigation intolerable. But now most of the GOP is silent.
Mar 21, 2017 / Joan Walsh

Trump’s Relentless, Chaotic Distractions Trump’s Relentless, Chaotic Distractions
His budget proposal is a distraction from his conflicts of interest which is a distraction from ICE deportations.
Mar 21, 2017 / Tom Tomorrow

Everything Trump Did in His 8th Week That Really Matters Everything Trump Did in His 8th Week That Really Matters
Fired US Attorneys and frightening developments in North Korea.
Mar 17, 2017 / Zoë Carpenter and George Zornick

In E-mails, Neil Gorsuch Praised a Leading Republican Activist Behind Voter Suppression Efforts In E-mails, Neil Gorsuch Praised a Leading Republican Activist Behind Voter Suppression Efforts
Gorsuch’s ties to Hans von Spakovksy suggest a hostility to voting rights.
Mar 17, 2017 / Ari Berman

Today and Tomorrow, Join a ‘Stakeout’ to Save Health Care Today and Tomorrow, Join a ‘Stakeout’ to Save Health Care
“Trumpcare” would be a disaster.
Mar 16, 2017 / NationAction

If You Want to Know Where Donald Trump Came From, Look to Iraq If You Want to Know Where Donald Trump Came From, Look to Iraq
Trump denies he was ever in favor of the 2003 invasion—but he’s a president made by war.
Mar 16, 2017 / Tom Engelhardt

Can Words Be Violent? Can Words Be Violent?
On Milo Yiannopoulos, the First Amendment, and words that have consequences.
Mar 16, 2017 / Column / Patricia J. Williams

Fox’s Absurd Unreality Show Is Now Aided and Abetted by Trump’s Undersized Hands Fox’s Absurd Unreality Show Is Now Aided and Abetted by Trump’s Undersized Hands
How many times in the last two months have we all woken up and wondered what the hell Trump is going on about now?
Mar 15, 2017 / Column / Eric Alterman