
Donald Trump and Huma Abedin

Donald Trump Suggests Huma Abedin May Have Radical Ties Donald Trump Suggests Huma Abedin May Have Radical Ties

For the first time, Trump flirts with conspiracy theories about a top aide to Hillary Clinton.

Aug 29, 2016 / George Zornick

Paul Ryan, Speaker of the House.

Welfare Was ‘Reformed’ 20 Years Ago This Week. I’ve Suffered the Consequences. Welfare Was ‘Reformed’ 20 Years Ago This Week. I’ve Suffered the Consequences.

And now, House Speaker Paul Ryan wants to build on that disastrous legacy.

Aug 26, 2016 / Stephanie Land

Scott Walker speech

The Scorching Cynicism of Scott Walker’s Assault on Voting The Scorching Cynicism of Scott Walker’s Assault on Voting

As the federal courts intervene to restore early voting, the governor admits that he signed antidemocratic legislation without considering the consequences.

Aug 25, 2016 / John Nichols

Prop 187 Demo

When Anti-Immigrant Politics Came Back to Haunt the Republican Party When Anti-Immigrant Politics Came Back to Haunt the Republican Party

The life cycle of California’s Republican Party suggests that the long-term effect of peddling xenophobia is disastrous.

Aug 25, 2016 / Jim Shultz


There’s a Bigger Problem at the Border Than Trump’s Proposed Wall There’s a Bigger Problem at the Border Than Trump’s Proposed Wall

We live in fear of Trump’s plan for the Mexican border—not realizing that much of it already exists.

Aug 23, 2016 / Todd Miller

Reince Preibus

How Many Times Can Reince Priebus Prove Himself a Total Failure? How Many Times Can Reince Priebus Prove Himself a Total Failure?

The RNC chair has led his party to a new low. Now he wants yet another shot at the job.

Aug 22, 2016 / John Nichols

Donald Trump flag

Should We Trust the Republicans Who Published a Letter Denouncing Trump? Should We Trust the Republicans Who Published a Letter Denouncing Trump?

They may be the enemies of our enemy. But they’re also war criminals.

Aug 22, 2016 / Rebecca Gordon

Disarm Hate Gun Protest

Voters Are Ready to Punish Pro-Gun Politicians. There’s Just One Problem. Voters Are Ready to Punish Pro-Gun Politicians. There’s Just One Problem.

Voters don’t seem to know where key senators actually stand on background checks.

Aug 18, 2016 / George Zornick

Donald Trump Youngstown

Trump’s Speech on Terrorism Was an Inexcusable Exercise in Scapegoating and Scaremongering Trump’s Speech on Terrorism Was an Inexcusable Exercise in Scapegoating and Scaremongering

From ISIS to the Iraq War to immigration—what wasn’t wrong about Trump’s speech.

Aug 18, 2016 / James Carden

The Woman Behind Trump

The Woman Behind Trump The Woman Behind Trump

Amy Wilentz on Ivanka, plus Calvin Trillin on Mississippi in 1964, and Rosa Brooks on the militarization of everything.

Aug 18, 2016 / Podcast / Start Making Sense and Jon Wiener
