Ron DeSantis Is Lying About Why Bookshelves in Florida Classrooms Are Empty Ron DeSantis Is Lying About Why Bookshelves in Florida Classrooms Are Empty
The Florida governor claims that it’s not his legislation that is limiting what books students can read. But local parents beg to differ.
Feb 16, 2023 / Joan Walsh

Apartheid American-Style Apartheid American-Style
The City of Jackson versus the Mississippi State Legislature.
Feb 16, 2023 / Makani Themba

Robbing From the Poor to Educate the Rich Robbing From the Poor to Educate the Rich
The bait of school vouchers—and the switch to strangling public education.
Feb 13, 2023 / Jack Schneider and Jennifer C. Berkshire

It’s Time for Democrats to Actually Defend LGBTQ People It’s Time for Democrats to Actually Defend LGBTQ People
While the GOP’s crusade against the queer community intensifies, LGBTQ rights were scarcely mentioned during Biden’s State of the Union address.
Feb 13, 2023 / StudentNation / Zurie Pope

The GOP’s Habitual Lying Is Hazardous to Its Political Health The GOP’s Habitual Lying Is Hazardous to Its Political Health
President Biden deserves credit for humiliating Republicans on Social Security and Medicare. But they made it easy with their metastasizing disregard for the truth.
Feb 10, 2023 / Joan Walsh

Sarah Huckabee Sanders, You’re No Jack Kennedy Sarah Huckabee Sanders, You’re No Jack Kennedy
Trying to evoke a lost Cold War consensus, the GOP’s rising star conflated “normal” with “crazy.”
Feb 10, 2023 / Jeet Heer

Congress Shouldn’t Clap for Tyre Nichols’s Parents—They Should Apologize Congress Shouldn’t Clap for Tyre Nichols’s Parents—They Should Apologize
Many of the people rising for Nichols’s parents during the State of the Union didn’t do enough to prevent his death—and quite a few did worse than that.
Feb 9, 2023 / Elie Mystal

What Biden’s State of the Union Was Missing, According to Young People What Biden’s State of the Union Was Missing, According to Young People
From climate change, to policing, to labor rights, to the Covid-19 pandemic, here are the issues that young people hope Biden will focus on after his SOTU address.
Feb 9, 2023 / StudentNation / StudentNation

President, 80, Bests House Speaker, 58 President, 80, Bests House Speaker, 58
An invigorated Joe Biden proved that Sleepy Kevin McCarthy is the GOP leader in name only. And maybe not for long.
Feb 8, 2023 / Joan Walsh

With Abortion Rights Under Attack, Menstrual Equity Gains Support With Abortion Rights Under Attack, Menstrual Equity Gains Support
This year, lawmakers in two dozen states, including Texas, Alabama, Nebraska, Missouri, and Georgia, introduced bills that would expand access to menstrual products.
Feb 7, 2023 / StudentNation / Thalia Charles