
A woman holds a Black Voters Matter sign while driving in a protest march on April 22, 2021 in Elizabeth City, North Carolina.

It’s No Coincidence That the Midterms Turned the Blackest Parts of America Red It’s No Coincidence That the Midterms Turned the Blackest Parts of America Red

While Democrats celebrate an averted crisis, the GOP campaign to quell and marginalize Black voters has only continued.

Feb 7, 2023 / Clarence Lusane

Threat inflation: the Chinese balloon floats over Billings, Mont., on Wednesday, February 1.

Raving Balloonatics Take Over Washington Raving Balloonatics Take Over Washington

"Mr. President, we must not allow…a balloon gap!"

Feb 6, 2023 / Jeet Heer

The Immense Irony of the GOP’s Anti-Socialism Vote

The Immense Irony of the GOP’s Anti-Socialism Vote The Immense Irony of the GOP’s Anti-Socialism Vote

Republicans are crowing over their resolution denouncing socialism, but their next presidential candidate will be chosen in a city that socialism built.

Feb 6, 2023 / John Nichols

Josh Hawley holding pencil in front of microphone

The GOP’s Phony Class War The GOP’s Phony Class War

Racist resentment plus plutocratic economics don’t equal a “working-class party.”

Feb 3, 2023 / Jeet Heer

Today’s GOP Is the Totalitarian Force It Claims to Oppose

Today’s GOP Is the Totalitarian Force It Claims to Oppose Today’s GOP Is the Totalitarian Force It Claims to Oppose

The right’s intrusion into private life is exactly the characteristic of modern authoritarianism decried by 20th-century conservatives.

Feb 3, 2023 / Chris Lehmann

Ilhan Omar Will Not Be Silenced

Ilhan Omar Will Not Be Silenced Ilhan Omar Will Not Be Silenced

The GOP’s decision to remove Omar from her most cherished committee was petty and cruel—but she’s not going anywhere.

Feb 3, 2023 / John Nichols

Immigration Reform Protest

For Mixed-Status Students, Immigration Reform Is the Only Hope For Mixed-Status Students, Immigration Reform Is the Only Hope

More than 22 million people in the US are in mixed-status households, where at least one undocumented person lives with citizens or lawful temporary immigrants.

Feb 2, 2023 / StudentNation / Yamila Martinez

Person reads a stack of explicit or LGBTQ books

Florida Teachers Hide Their Books to Avoid Felonies Florida Teachers Hide Their Books to Avoid Felonies

Panicky teachers in Florida are emptying their bookshelves, afraid of a five-year jail term for having an unapproved book in the classroom.

Feb 1, 2023 / Joan Walsh

Young people holding signs in protest of Florida's anti-trans legislation.

Fresh Off Victory Against “Roe,” the Religious Right Is Pushing a Record Number of Anti-Trans Bills Fresh Off Victory Against “Roe,” the Religious Right Is Pushing a Record Number of Anti-Trans Bills

The attacks on trans people echo the right’s anti-abortion playbook note for note. It’s up to us to recognize what’s really going on here.

Jan 31, 2023 / Amy Littlefield and Heron Greenesmith

Solomon Peña taken into custody

What the Attacks on New Mexico Democrats Say About Being a Woman in Politics What the Attacks on New Mexico Democrats Say About Being a Woman in Politics

Female politicians are three times more likely than their male colleagues to be targeted with threats and harassment.

Jan 31, 2023 / Cecilia Nowell
