Freud’s Discontents Freud’s Discontents
Why did one of the 20th century’s most influential thinkers fade from significance?
Nov 2, 2016 / Books & the Arts / Samuel Moyn

Harvard Workers Went On Strike and Won—Here’s How They Did It, and How Students Helped Harvard Workers Went On Strike and Won—Here’s How They Did It, and How Students Helped
Solidarity statements and op-eds are important, but direct actions are essential.
Oct 27, 2016 / Collin P. Poirot

No Matter Who Wins the Election, Military Spending Is Here to Stay No Matter Who Wins the Election, Military Spending Is Here to Stay
The military-industrial complex is alive and well, and it’s gobbling up your tax dollars.
Oct 25, 2016 / William D. Hartung

How I Found Heaven in a Public Hospital How I Found Heaven in a Public Hospital
Britain’s National Health Service is a cosmopolitan, welfare-state utopia—one that conservatives everywhere want to abolish.
Oct 21, 2016 / Frederika Randall

How (Not) to Fake Your Own Death How (Not) to Fake Your Own Death
Elizabeth Greenwood’s Playing Dead is a brilliant series of entertaining character reports, but her telling of what all the deceit and deletions add up to is unconvincing.
Oct 20, 2016 / Hannah Gold

This Mother Has Breast Cancer and Knows She Needs Treatment. Why Can’t She Get It? This Mother Has Breast Cancer and Knows She Needs Treatment. Why Can’t She Get It?
Actress America Ferrara speaks with an undocumented immigrant who is trapped without health care in Texas.
Oct 14, 2016 / The Nation

The Rise of a Cooperatively Owned Internet The Rise of a Cooperatively Owned Internet
Platform cooperativism gets a boost.
Oct 13, 2016 / Nathan Schneider

The First Campus Strike in Over 30 Years Is Happening at Harvard The First Campus Strike in Over 30 Years Is Happening at Harvard
The university’s dining staff is demanding a living wage—and students and campus staff are on their side.
Oct 11, 2016 / StudentNation / Michelle Chen

The Latest Anti-Abortion Trend? Mandatory Funerals for Fetuses The Latest Anti-Abortion Trend? Mandatory Funerals for Fetuses
Now that the Supreme Court has thrown out TRAP laws, opponents have a new tactic.
Oct 11, 2016 / Rebecca Grant

Dying of Thirst in America Dying of Thirst in America
Milwaukee County let Terrill Thomas die of dehydration in its jail. His horrific death is a disturbing reminder that too many of us still don’t have access to drinking water.
Oct 6, 2016 / George McGraw