Science and Health

John Kitzhaber’s Oregon Dream

John Kitzhaber’s Oregon Dream John Kitzhaber’s Oregon Dream

This third-term governor is rethinking healthcare and education with holistic, community-based programs.

May 22, 2013 / Feature / Sasha Abramsky

Cashing In On Breast Cancer Awareness

Cashing In On Breast Cancer Awareness Cashing In On Breast Cancer Awareness

In the wake of Angelina Jolie’s well-intentioned exhortation for “every woman” to explore their risk of breast cancer, one company stands to make a staggering profit.

May 16, 2013 / Rose-Ellen Lessy

Fight Clubs: On Napoleon Chagnon

Fight Clubs: On Napoleon Chagnon Fight Clubs: On Napoleon Chagnon

One anthropologist’s place in his field’s ongoing battle over questions of power, means and ends.

May 15, 2013 / Books & the Arts / Peter C. Baker

Adventures in Neurohumanities

Adventures in Neurohumanities Adventures in Neurohumanities

Applying neuroscience to the study of literature is fashionable. But is it the best way to read a novel?

May 8, 2013 / Books & the Arts / Alissa Quart

You Are a Guinea Pig

You Are a Guinea Pig You Are a Guinea Pig

How Americans unwittingly entered—and become exposed to biohazards in—the greatest uncontrolled experiment ever launched.

Apr 29, 2013 / David Rosner and Gerald Markowitz

A Pill for Equal Abortion Access

A Pill for Equal Abortion Access A Pill for Equal Abortion Access

The US can learn a lot from Australia’s new medical abortion policy.

Apr 26, 2013 / Chloe Angyal

Crowdsourcing as Healthcare Policy: Can’t We Do Better?

Crowdsourcing as Healthcare Policy: Can’t We Do Better? Crowdsourcing as Healthcare Policy: Can’t We Do Better?

GoFundMe donations are a good Band-Aid for a bad system, but can’t we harness America’s generosity in service of better social programs?

Apr 26, 2013 / Michelle Dean

Fat-Shaming All Around Us

Fat-Shaming All Around Us Fat-Shaming All Around Us

There’s nothing healthy about shaming people for their bodies.

Apr 25, 2013 / Chloe Angyal

The ‘Thinspiration’ Behind an Impossible Ideal of Beauty

The ‘Thinspiration’ Behind an Impossible Ideal of Beauty The ‘Thinspiration’ Behind an Impossible Ideal of Beauty

Rooting out "thinspiration" in social media is a start, but we must not turn "thinspo" into a scapegoat.

Apr 23, 2013 / Chloe Angyal

Ending Prostitution ‘Central’ to Ending AIDS, US Tells Supreme Court

Ending Prostitution ‘Central’ to Ending AIDS, US Tells Supreme Court Ending Prostitution ‘Central’ to Ending AIDS, US Tells Supreme Court

Will Justices agree that requiring HIV service providers to oppose prostitution is necessary for ending AIDS?

Apr 23, 2013 / Melissa Gira Grant
