Gaming Your Brain For Violence Gaming Your Brain For Violence
What effect does training soldiers to "dehumanize" the enemy have on us? And are video games giving us in some part the same training?
Apr 9, 2010 / Laura Flanders
Minority Opinions on the iPad Minority Opinions on the iPad
The iPad -- It's very strange. It started arriving in stores April 1 and the reviewers are already calling it a game changer but one aspect of the new device is causing conster...
Apr 1, 2010 / Laura Flanders
Nowhere to Hyde Nowhere to Hyde
The healthcare reform debate exposed the weakness of the prochoice movement. What now?
Apr 1, 2010 / Feature / Sharon Lerner
Socialism? Not Quite, Say the Socialists Socialism? Not Quite, Say the Socialists
"I know they call Obama's plan 'socialist.' But if the point is to make sure everyone has health care and that costs are kept down, Socialists really could have come up with s...
Mar 27, 2010 / John Nichols
The Breakdown: An Unconstitutional Mandate? The Breakdown: An Unconstitutional Mandate?
Fourteen states have filed suit challenging the healthcare overhaul, particularly the individual mandate, as unconstitutional. Christopher Hayes asks Columbia law professor Gillian...
Mar 26, 2010 / Chris Hayes
The Moderate Republican: An Endangered Species The Moderate Republican: An Endangered Species
Republicans sure know how to make Barack Obama look good. What are they going to do now, threaten to repeal a law that forces insurance companies to cover the sick?
Mar 24, 2010 / Robert Scheer
Now That Obama’s Signed It, Let’s Reform the Reform Now That Obama’s Signed It, Let’s Reform the Reform
Consider Florida Congressman's Alan Grayson's "Medicare You Can Buy Into Act," which has 80 cosponsors and growing grassroots support.
Mar 23, 2010 / John Nichols
Slide Show: The Road to Healthcare Reform Slide Show: The Road to Healthcare Reform
Mar 23, 2010 / Photo Essay / The Nation
Learning From Health Care Reform Learning From Health Care Reform
What I learned from health care weekend: who gets arrested, who gets media coverage, and who can actually get bills passed.
Mar 23, 2010 / Laura Flanders
House Passes Healthcare Reform House Passes Healthcare Reform
Last night, the House of Representatives passed comprehensive healthcare reform. The sweeping legislation will extend coverage to 32 million Americans, curb the worst abuses of the...
Mar 22, 2010 / Lindsay Beyerstein