No Public Option: Worse Than Nothing? No Public Option: Worse Than Nothing?
In search of the elusive, filibuster-proof sixtieth vote, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid has eviscerated the Senate's healthcare reform bill.
Dec 16, 2009 / Lindsay Beyerstein
Feminism’s Face-Lift Feminism’s Face-Lift
Can a tax on breast enhancements and liposuction be channeled to benefit the public good?
Dec 9, 2009 / Alexandra Suich
Senate Prepares to Cast First Heathcare Votes Senate Prepares to Cast First Heathcare Votes
It takes sixty votes to pass an amendment and most of the proposed measures for the healthcare bill will never pass. Still, a great opportunity to grandstand over pet issues.
Dec 2, 2009 / Feature / Lindsay Beyerstein
Heathcare Finally Hits the Senate Floor Heathcare Finally Hits the Senate Floor
The Nation's John Nichols and others speculate about what the Senate healthcare bill will ultimately look like and if it can be more progressive than the House's.
Dec 2, 2009 / GRITtv
Waffling Democrats’ Healthcare Hypocrisy Waffling Democrats’ Healthcare Hypocrisy
The very same senators who smear the public option are staunch supporters of the Veterans Health Administration--and that really is socialized medicine.
Dec 1, 2009 / Feature / Peter Dreier
Crunch Time in the Senate Crunch Time in the Senate
Will conservative and liberal objections to the Senate healthcare bill's provisions regarding women's health doom the legislation?
Nov 25, 2009 / Feature / Lindsay Beyerstein
Filibustering the Public Filibustering the Public
Filibustering healthcare reform? This is not what democracy looks like.
Nov 24, 2009 / The Editors
Round Two: The Coming Battle Over Abortion Funding Round Two: The Coming Battle Over Abortion Funding
The prochoice movement stops playing nice in the fight for healthcare reform.
Nov 23, 2009 / Feature / Sharon Lerner
Searching for CCS Searching for CCS
Will carbon capture and sequestration help us avoid runaway climate change?
Nov 19, 2009 / Feature / Holly Wren Spaulding
Water on the Moon — and Money for NASA Water on the Moon — and Money for NASA
"Water found on the moon," the headlines said – water that "could be used for drinking," the LA Times reported, possibly enough for "future astronauts to live off the land." The...
Nov 14, 2009 / Jon Wiener