The Women’s Enron The Women’s Enron
The recent news about the harmful effects of hormone replacement was played in the media as a health story, but it is much more than that. In fact, it may be the hot-flashiest cor...
Aug 15, 2002 / Sue Woodman
Big Pharma, Bad Science Big Pharma, Bad Science
In June, the New England Journal of Medicine, one of the most respected medical journals, made a startling announcement.
Jul 25, 2002 / Feature / Nathan Newman
Sex, Morality and AIDS Sex, Morality and AIDS
At the fourteenth international AIDS conference, the gulf between the United States and the rest of the world widened as US officials touted policies that world health experts agr...
Jul 18, 2002 / Jordan Lite
Too Much Monkey Business Too Much Monkey Business
I received the news of paleontologist and popular science writer Stephen Jay Gould's death, at age 60, in the week I was reading Jonathan Marks's new book on genetics, human evolu...
Jun 20, 2002 / Books & the Arts / Micaela di Leonardo
Vitamin Giants: The Sequel Vitamin Giants: The Sequel
Price-fixing fines behind them, the firms are close to achieving a monopoly.
Jun 20, 2002 / Feature / Jock Ferguson
Anthrax and the Military Anthrax and the Military
The Pentagon's recent decision to limit anthrax vaccine shots to those at high risk does not address the fundamental objection to the shots, which is the lack of informed consent....
Jun 13, 2002 / Feature / Mary L. Cummings
Globalizing Clinical Research Globalizing Clinical Research
Big Pharma tries out First World drugs on unsuspecting Third World patients.
Jun 13, 2002 / Feature / Sonia Shah
The Shame of Prison Health The Shame of Prison Health
Just-released inmates with infectious diseases need continuous treatment.
Jun 13, 2002 / Feature / Sasha Abramsky
A New Horizon for the Democratic Party A New Horizon for the Democratic Party
Speech to The Democratic National Committee--Western Caucus Saturday, May 25, 2002 Seattle, Washington
Jun 3, 2002 / Dennis Kucinich