Social Justice

Reverend William Barber

It’s Not About Trump. Our Political Culture Is Corrupt It’s Not About Trump. Our Political Culture Is Corrupt

The Southern strategy created an us-against-them politics with a perverse idea of morality.

Mar 12, 2016 / Rev. Dr. William J. Barber II

Trump Rally Protest

Why the Trump Rally in St. Louis Was So Different Why the Trump Rally in St. Louis Was So Different

In a city divided after 17 months of protests since the killing of Mike Brown, the GOP candidate never got more than a few minutes to speak without interruption.

Mar 12, 2016 / Umar Lee

The Whole World Still Needs Feminism

The Whole World Still Needs Feminism The Whole World Still Needs Feminism

In many countries, women have made strides, but there’s a long way to go to equality.

Mar 11, 2016 / Column / Katha Pollitt

Prison fence

The Gaping Hole in Clinton’s and Sanders’s Plans for Criminal Justice Reform The Gaping Hole in Clinton’s and Sanders’s Plans for Criminal Justice Reform

Why aren’t more reform-minded politicians talking about the public defender shortfall?

Mar 10, 2016 / Zoë Carpenter

Will the Los Angeles River Become a Playground for the Rich?

Will the Los Angeles River Become a Playground for the Rich? Will the Los Angeles River Become a Playground for the Rich?

The revitalization of LA’s neglected riverfront has gone from social-justice crusade to money-soaked land grab.

Mar 10, 2016 / Feature / Richard Kreitner

Harvard University

Universities Are Becoming Billion-Dollar Hedge Funds With Schools Attached Universities Are Becoming Billion-Dollar Hedge Funds With Schools Attached

Students are beginning to urge divestment.

Mar 8, 2016 / StudentNation / Astra Taylor

Group Rallying for Justice on Race, Climate and Immigration Issues

Three Times When ‘Impractical’ Movements Led to Real Change Three Times When ‘Impractical’ Movements Led to Real Change

Against all odds, the world broke open. Could it happen again in 2016?

Mar 7, 2016 / Mark Engler and Paul Engler

Why Seniors—Not CEOs—Deserve a Raise

Why Seniors—Not CEOs—Deserve a Raise Why Seniors—Not CEOs—Deserve a Raise

Social Security is the most powerful tool available to lift people out of poverty.

Mar 7, 2016 / Elizabeth Warren

Transgender People Are More Visible Than Ever. So Why Is There More Anti-Trans Legislation Than Ever, Too?

Transgender People Are More Visible Than Ever. So Why Is There More Anti-Trans Legislation Than Ever, Too? Transgender People Are More Visible Than Ever. So Why Is There More Anti-Trans Legislation Than Ever, Too?

Maybe “visibility” is not enough.

Mar 4, 2016 / Jos Truitt

Why John King Should Be Rejected as Secretary of Education

Why John King Should Be Rejected as Secretary of Education Why John King Should Be Rejected as Secretary of Education

As a student at Syosset High School during much of King’s reign as New York State's education commissioner, I saw firsthand the disastrous effects of his policies.

Mar 3, 2016 / StudentNation / Nikhil Goyal
