Social Justice

Socialism in America Is Closer Than You Think

Socialism in America Is Closer Than You Think Socialism in America Is Closer Than You Think

Experiments with public ownership are thriving across the country. The challenge is to link them and scale them up.

Feb 11, 2016 / Feature / Gar Alperovitz

Rev. Dr. William J. Barber II

The Misdiagnosis of Terrorism The Misdiagnosis of Terrorism

The real violence threatening America is that of our immoral public policy choices, at home and abroad.

Feb 9, 2016 / Rev. Dr. William J. Barber II

Reeves riot

The Democratic Presidential Candidates Would End Private Prison Contracts The Democratic Presidential Candidates Would End Private Prison Contracts

A Nation investigation found startling medical neglect inside privatized, immigrant-only federal prisons. Both Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton say they would end these, and all,...

Feb 8, 2016 / Julianne Hing

Cam Newton and Peyton Manning

Super Bowl 50: Brought to You by Toe Fungus Super Bowl 50: Brought to You by Toe Fungus

The game was not only godawful to watch. It also gave us a hell of a window into the NFL’s three-ring circus.

Feb 8, 2016 / Dave Zirin

Yale Student

When the Biggest Employer in Town Isn’t Employing the Town When the Biggest Employer in Town Isn’t Employing the Town

Can activists force New Haven institutions to see job creation as a civic duty, not just a byproduct of financial investment?

Feb 5, 2016 / Michelle Chen

Indiana Representative Luke Messer

Does Labor Deserve Its Own Downfall? Does Labor Deserve Its Own Downfall?

The Supreme Court’s Friedrichs case could be disastrous for unions—how did we get here and what can labor do to regain its former clout?

Feb 4, 2016 / Peter Schrag, David Rolf, Jane McAlevey, and Michelle Chen

Asking for a Friend: How to Tell if You’re Sexist in Bed

Asking for a Friend: How to Tell if You’re Sexist in Bed Asking for a Friend: How to Tell if You’re Sexist in Bed

Liza answers a maybe-benighted male, and a woman whose politics are clashing with her dating life.

Feb 4, 2016 / Liza Featherstone

Students at at the University of Missouri

In the Wake of Mizzou, Black Students Are Winning In the Wake of Mizzou, Black Students Are Winning

The movement that took flight in November is racking up wins—and laying the groundwork for more victories to come.

Feb 3, 2016 / StudentNation / StudentNation

To Fix the Racial Wealth Gap, We Need Solutions That Sound Radical

To Fix the Racial Wealth Gap, We Need Solutions That Sound Radical To Fix the Racial Wealth Gap, We Need Solutions That Sound Radical

If progressives want to improve the conditions in underserved and underdeveloped communities, then bigger and bolder policy solutions are required.

Feb 3, 2016 / Steve Phillips

Democratic presidential candidate Sanders greets students after a town hall meeting with students at George Mason University in Fairfax

How Bernie Sanders Is Challenging a Downsized Politics of Excluded Alternatives How Bernie Sanders Is Challenging a Downsized Politics of Excluded Alternatives

Why we need a grown-up conversation about taxes.

Feb 2, 2016 / Katrina vanden Heuvel
