Social Justice

Ferguson Nationwide Protest

How to Add Politics to Our Protest How to Add Politics to Our Protest

The case for a new, open-source party of unified progressive movements.

Aug 17, 2015 / Kate Aronoff and Max Berger

Civil Rights March

Equality: Why We Can’t Wait Equality: Why We Can’t Wait

In a 1991 special issue, Julian Bond argued that the fight for racial and gender equality wasn’t a “special interest”—it was essential to the progressive struggle.

Aug 17, 2015 / Julian Bond and Adolph Reed Jr.

Julian Bond

What Julian Bond Taught Me What Julian Bond Taught Me

Freedom movements don’t just happen, they are made—and not by charismatic leaders, but by everyday people possessing great courage.

Aug 17, 2015 / Jeanne Theoharis

Julian Bond

Julian Bond Built Coalitions, Practiced Solidarity, and Showed Us the Future Julian Bond Built Coalitions, Practiced Solidarity, and Showed Us the Future

When the civil-rights leader was nominated for vice president in 1968, we got a glimpse of the new politics.

Aug 17, 2015 / John Nichols

LeBron James

Hurricane Katrina and the Revival of the Political Athlete Hurricane Katrina and the Revival of the Political Athlete

After Hurricane Katrina, athletes spoke out in rage for the first time in decades. It can’t stop and it won’t stop.

Aug 14, 2015 / Dave Zirin

Eric Garner protest

The Work of Art in the Age of Spectacular Reproduction The Work of Art in the Age of Spectacular Reproduction

The Internet gives us an unearned relation to the present, and the visual art of JR is perfectly aligned with it.

Aug 13, 2015 / Books & the Arts / Jesse McCarthy

New Orleans 2005 protest.

A Movement Lab in New Orleans A Movement Lab in New Orleans

The 10-year fight for a just recovery from Hurricane Katrina has driven a surge in innovative, progressive organizing.

Aug 13, 2015 / Feature / Jordan Flaherty

Kanye West in 2005.

The Rebirth of Black Rage The Rebirth of Black Rage

From Kanye to Obama, and back again.

Aug 13, 2015 / Feature / Mychal Denzel Smith

Protest in New Orleans

From New Orleans to Ferguson, a Decade of Asserting Black Lives Matter From New Orleans to Ferguson, a Decade of Asserting Black Lives Matter

We’ve learned that the moment black people stop saying our lives matter, our lives will cease to matter.

Aug 13, 2015 / Melissa Harris-Perry and James Perry

Former Peace Corps Volunteers to John Kerry: Stop Sending Military Aid to the Dominican Republic

Former Peace Corps Volunteers to John Kerry: Stop Sending Military Aid to the Dominican Republic Former Peace Corps Volunteers to John Kerry: Stop Sending Military Aid to the Dominican Republic

Their letter arrives as international groups once more fail to prompt US action on the violation of human rights.

Aug 12, 2015 / Greg Grandin
