Social Justice

SEI Protest

25 Years Later: Lessons From the Organizers of Justice for Janitors 25 Years Later: Lessons From the Organizers of Justice for Janitors

The campaign succeeded because it went after the people who truly had power over the workers’ livelihood—not the powerless subcontractors.

Jun 16, 2015 / Stephen Lerner and Jono Shaffer

Tom Tomorrow cartoon

How to Defend the Indefensible How to Defend the Indefensible

The issue isn't police misconduct—the issue is rap music and baggy pants!

Jun 16, 2015 / Tom Tomorrow

Canada’s New Climate Movement

Canada’s New Climate Movement Canada’s New Climate Movement

Time is too short to allow our divisions to keep us from building the kind of coalitions that will safeguard life on earth.

Jun 5, 2015 / Naomi Klein

‘Tech’ Is Political—How We Respond to It Needs to Be Just as Political

‘Tech’ Is Political—How We Respond to It Needs to Be Just as Political ‘Tech’ Is Political—How We Respond to It Needs to Be Just as Political

New technologies will not solve our problems: People acting collectively will.

May 27, 2015 / Leah Hunt-Hendrix and Astra Taylor

Women Peacemakers Head to the Korean DMZ to Spark Conversation, Change

Women Peacemakers Head to the Korean DMZ to Spark Conversation, Change Women Peacemakers Head to the Korean DMZ to Spark Conversation, Change

The activists join a rich tradition of women working to end conflict.

May 20, 2015 / Hilary Weaver

A Letter From CIA Whistleblower John Kiriakou

A Letter From CIA Whistleblower John Kiriakou A Letter From CIA Whistleblower John Kiriakou

The man who exposed the agency’s torture program bids farewell to prison and moves on with his life.

May 6, 2015 / John Kiriakou and Foreign Policy In Focus

Black America’s Lost Generation Speaks Up

Black America’s Lost Generation Speaks Up Black America’s Lost Generation Speaks Up

The teens of the Baltimore riot have never known a reality without crisis. That comes with consequences.

May 5, 2015 / Kai Wright

The Enduring Shame of ‘Separate and Unequal’

The Enduring Shame of ‘Separate and Unequal’ The Enduring Shame of ‘Separate and Unequal’

The unrest in Baltimore is about more than a single death—it’s about the structural racism, inequality, and poverty that have plagued our society for too long.

May 5, 2015 / Katrina vanden Heuvel

From the Fight for 15 to the Fifth Circuit, a National Youth Groundswell

From the Fight for 15 to the Fifth Circuit, a National Youth Groundswell From the Fight for 15 to the Fifth Circuit, a National Youth Groundswell

This week, students hit the streets for racial and economic justice.

Apr 24, 2015 / StudentNation / StudentNation

Happy Bloody Earth Day

Happy Bloody Earth Day Happy Bloody Earth Day

The resource wars in Latin America are heating up, and the poor are paying the price.

Apr 22, 2015 / Greg Grandin
