Social Justice

Comcast-Affiliated News Site Censored My Article About Net Neutrality Lobbying

Comcast-Affiliated News Site Censored My Article About Net Neutrality Lobbying Comcast-Affiliated News Site Censored My Article About Net Neutrality Lobbying

“This is exactly why we need Net Neutrality. We don’t want to live in a world where Comcast or AT&T gets to decide which side of the story you see.”

Aug 1, 2014 / Lee Fang

A Bill to Get the Labor Movement Back on Offense

A Bill to Get the Labor Movement Back on Offense A Bill to Get the Labor Movement Back on Offense

Representative Keith Ellison wants to make forming a union a civil right.

Jul 28, 2014 / George Zornick

Standing Up to Disaster Capitalism in Detroit

Standing Up to Disaster Capitalism in Detroit Standing Up to Disaster Capitalism in Detroit

Unions, community and religious groups organize to prioritize the interests of working families over the interests of Wall Street bankers.

Jul 17, 2014 / John Nichols

Report From Gaza: When My Son Screams

Report From Gaza: When My Son Screams Report From Gaza: When My Son Screams

We don’t even seem to have a right to exist or defend ourselves. That right, according to the United States, belongs to Israel alone.

Jul 15, 2014 / Mohammed Omer

Martin O’Malley’s Right: The Immigration Debate Must Respect ‘Essential Human Dignity’

Martin O’Malley’s Right: The Immigration Debate Must Respect ‘Essential Human Dignity’ Martin O’Malley’s Right: The Immigration Debate Must Respect ‘Essential Human Dignity’

A potential 2016 presidential candidate adds a moral message—and tone—to discourse.

Jul 15, 2014 / John Nichols

Why Opposing the Israel Lobby Is No Longer Political Suicide

Why Opposing the Israel Lobby Is No Longer Political Suicide Why Opposing the Israel Lobby Is No Longer Political Suicide

Our movement isn’t strong enough yet to end US enabling of the carnage in Gaza—but the shift in public discourse is a crucial first step.

Jul 15, 2014 / Phyllis Bennis

Did Child Labor Build Your Smart Phone?

Did Child Labor Build Your Smart Phone? Did Child Labor Build Your Smart Phone?

A watchdog group has uncovered numerous labor violations at a Samsung supplier in southern China—including underage workers.

Jul 11, 2014 / Michelle Chen

How the Moral Mondays ‘Fusion Coalition’ Is Taking North Carolina Back

How the Moral Mondays ‘Fusion Coalition’ Is Taking North Carolina Back How the Moral Mondays ‘Fusion Coalition’ Is Taking North Carolina Back

The state’s rightward lurch mobilized thousands, but the progressive movement behind Moral Mondays has deep, enduring roots.

Jul 2, 2014 / Feature / Dani McClain

From Pride to Freedom Summer to ‘Aycock’ Hall, Students Mass for Racial Justice

From Pride to Freedom Summer to ‘Aycock’ Hall, Students Mass for Racial Justice From Pride to Freedom Summer to ‘Aycock’ Hall, Students Mass for Racial Justice

Across the country, the summer is heating up with youth-led direct action.

Jul 1, 2014 / StudentNation / StudentNation

The Winning Progressive Strategy? Direct Action and Civil Disobedience

The Winning Progressive Strategy? Direct Action and Civil Disobedience The Winning Progressive Strategy? Direct Action and Civil Disobedience

We have to stop compromising on our core demands and build power by taking it to the streets.

Jun 20, 2014 / Becky Bond
