Social Justice

From Chicago to LA, Students Mass for Racial Justice

From Chicago to LA, Students Mass for Racial Justice From Chicago to LA, Students Mass for Racial Justice

As the spring semester ends and elected officials approach critical votes, students across the country are rising up to take back public education.

May 24, 2013 / StudentNation / StudentNation

Justice for Patriot Mineworkers?

Justice for Patriot Mineworkers? Justice for Patriot Mineworkers?

What's happening in St. Louis doesn’t look like a coal-field war, but the same things are at stake: reciprocity, respect, fair play.

May 23, 2013 / Laura Flanders

Senate Committee Passes ‘Rank Discrimination’ Immigration Bill

Senate Committee Passes ‘Rank Discrimination’ Immigration Bill Senate Committee Passes ‘Rank Discrimination’ Immigration Bill

The Senate Judiciary Committee moves the immigration bill to full debate—without LGBT inclusion.

May 22, 2013 / Aura Bogado

Why I Opted Out of APPR Why I Opted Out of APPR

A recent graduate of Syosset High School explains why he opted out of his school’s standardized tests.

May 21, 2013 / StudentNation / Nikhil Goyal and StudentNation

Farai Chideya: Is Journalism Going the Way of the GOP?

Farai Chideya: Is Journalism Going the Way of the GOP? Farai Chideya: Is Journalism Going the Way of the GOP?

Journalism has a class and color crisis. How can it be solved?

May 21, 2013 / Press Room

How Long Will Arizona Deny Driver’s Licenses to Immigrant Youth?

How Long Will Arizona Deny Driver’s Licenses to Immigrant Youth? How Long Will Arizona Deny Driver’s Licenses to Immigrant Youth?

A high court’s preliminary ruling indicates there is not rational basis for Governor Jan Brewer’s attempt to deny driver’s licenses for certain immigrants.

May 17, 2013 / Aura Bogado

What You Should Know About the Philly Student Walkout

What You Should Know About the Philly Student Walkout What You Should Know About the Philly Student Walkout

Today’s actions follow a recent groundswell of student walkouts—and months of organizing.

May 17, 2013 / StudentNation / James Cersonsky and StudentNation

A ‘New Era’ of Labor Creativity and Defiance?

A ‘New Era’ of Labor Creativity and Defiance? A ‘New Era’ of Labor Creativity and Defiance?

The name of one Chicago business-turned-cooperative reflects burgeoning possibilities for the American labor movement.

May 16, 2013 / Laura Flanders

84 Percent of NYC Fast Food Workers Report Wage Theft in a New Survey

84 Percent of NYC Fast Food Workers Report Wage Theft in a New Survey 84 Percent of NYC Fast Food Workers Report Wage Theft in a New Survey

New York's Attorney General has issued subpoenas to a fast food company and is investigating several franchisees for what employees say is a rampant issue.

May 16, 2013 / Josh Eidelson

Abolition in Maryland

Abolition in Maryland Abolition in Maryland

“I killed the thing that almost killed me,” said Kirk Bloodsworth, who faced execution in Maryland, the latest state to outlaw capital punishment.

May 15, 2013 / David A. Love
