Social Justice

Gayatri Spivak: The Long and Short of Capitalism’s Demise

Gayatri Spivak: The Long and Short of Capitalism’s Demise Gayatri Spivak: The Long and Short of Capitalism’s Demise

Agitating for change beyond the general strike.

May 4, 2012 / Francis Reynolds

Imitation Outrage: Faking Concern for the Chinese Masses Imitation Outrage: Faking Concern for the Chinese Masses

We do not care a whit about their human rights as long as they satiate our unbridled appetites.

May 3, 2012 / Robert Scheer

May Day 2012: Love in a Hopeless Place? May Day 2012: Love in a Hopeless Place?

May Day in New York was chaotic, creative and diffuse. Was it a glimpse of what’s to come? Or a the wreckage of what’s left on the left?

May 3, 2012 / Laura Flanders

A Guide to May Day A Guide to May Day

This year, with the Occupy movement taking full advantage of May Day’s historic significance, we're likely to see the greatest explosion of outrage at the excesses of capital...

Apr 27, 2012 / Peter Rothberg

Student Activism as the Tip of the Spear: Raising the Minimum Wage in San Jose

Student Activism as the Tip of the Spear: Raising the Minimum Wage in San Jose Student Activism as the Tip of the Spear: Raising the Minimum Wage in San Jose

A group of thirty San Jose State students recently put their studies into practice and launched a campaign that has gained the support of young labor activists, community group...

Apr 17, 2012 / StudentNation / Amy B. Dean

Time to Undo ALEC’s Damage Time to Undo ALEC’s Damage

ALEC claims that its real focus is “economic vitality.” Its investment in restrictive Voter ID and “kill at will” Stand Your Ground laws says otherwise.

Apr 17, 2012 / Brentin Mock

Raising Kids Is Work? Tell That to Women on Welfare

Raising Kids Is Work? Tell That to Women on Welfare Raising Kids Is Work? Tell That to Women on Welfare

Neither Republicans nor Democrats treat parenting as work, and thousands of poor women are living in poverty today as living proof of that fact.

Apr 16, 2012 / Laura Flanders

The Hunger Games’ Feral Feminism

The Hunger Games’ Feral Feminism The Hunger Games’ Feral Feminism

Katniss Everdeen is a new kind of pop heroine. No boy-crazy shopaholic, she's a complex character on a quest of her own.

Apr 3, 2012 / Column / Katha Pollitt

Participatory Democracy: From the Port Huron Statement to Occupy Wall Street

Participatory Democracy: From the Port Huron Statement to Occupy Wall Street Participatory Democracy: From the Port Huron Statement to Occupy Wall Street

On its fiftieth anniversary, the founding declaration of SDS echoes today in democracy movements around the world.

Mar 27, 2012 / Feature / Tom Hayden

This Week in Poverty: Paul Ryan’s Focus on Dignity This Week in Poverty: Paul Ryan’s Focus on Dignity

The congressman’s moral rhetoric doesn't square with his cruel budget.

Mar 23, 2012 / Greg Kaufmann
