Social Justice

Slide Show: America’s Day of Action: US Uncut and Solidarity with Wisconsin

Slide Show: America’s Day of Action: US Uncut and Solidarity with Wisconsin Slide Show: America’s Day of Action: US Uncut and Solidarity with Wisconsin

On Saturday, February 26, progressives carried out a major day of action as protesters from coast to coast joined Wisconsin workers in solidarity against right-wing attacks on unio…

Feb 28, 2011 / Photo Essay / The Nation

Wisconsin: Ground Zero in the Fight for Democracy Wisconsin: Ground Zero in the Fight for Democracy

Gov. Walker's power play isn't about the pay and perks of public employees. It's an attack on basic democratic rights.

Feb 24, 2011 / Katrina vanden Heuvel

Slide Show: Wisconsin’s Protests In Pictures

Slide Show: Wisconsin’s Protests In Pictures Slide Show: Wisconsin’s Protests In Pictures

Shortly after taking office in January, Wisconsin’s new Republican Governor, Scott Walker, began an attack on public workers, submitting a proposal to strip public employees…

Feb 18, 2011 / Photo Essay / The Nation

A Time for Resistance A Time for Resistance

Protests in Cairo and Wisconsin—and Stéphane Hessel's French bestseller Indignez-vous!—should serve as reminder of the power of outraged, united citizens to enac...

Feb 17, 2011 / Katrina vanden Heuvel

The Outrage Deficit

The Outrage Deficit The Outrage Deficit

After years of fraying, the US social compact is in danger of coming apart altogether. Will Americans fight back?

Feb 17, 2011 / The Editors

A Prayer for America

A Prayer for America A Prayer for America

Imagine an America which stands not in pursuit of an axis of evil, but which is itself at the axis of peace and freedom.

Feb 16, 2011 / Dennis Kucinich

America’s Socialist Legacy America’s Socialist Legacy

 As the right works to portray Obama as a socialist, John Nichols explains how positive socialist ideals have been blacklisted from our political discourse.

Feb 15, 2011 / Press Room

Israel’s Assault on Human Rights Israel’s Assault on Human Rights

The government is blocking access to websites at the airport and moving bills through the Knesset to stifle political speech. Where will it end?

Jan 12, 2011 / Neve Gordon

The Fight For Civil Rights Beyond Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell The Fight For Civil Rights Beyond Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell

Civil rights issues will be central to the success or failure of the Obama presidency.

Dec 23, 2010 / The Rachel Maddow Show

Fighting Back for Workers’ Rights Fighting Back for Workers’ Rights

As we finish our last-minute holiday shopping, we shouldn't forget the great sacrifices of the workers who make the products we buy and the work still to be done to create safe wo...

Dec 21, 2010 / Edgar Romney
