Social Justice

No, Glenn Beck Is Not a Civil Rights Icon No, Glenn Beck Is Not a Civil Rights Icon

Beck and his followers say they are out to "reclaim the civil rights movement." It would be comic if it was not so sad.

Aug 28, 2010 / John Nichols

Citizens Unite Against ‘Citizens United’ Citizens Unite Against ‘Citizens United’ is leading a coalition of advocacy groups to overturn the Supreme Court decision.

Jul 29, 2010 / Feature / Ari Berman

How to Survive the Crisis (Organize!) How to Survive the Crisis (Organize!)

At the US Social Forum, activists discuss how to meet basic needs—and take on the system.

Jul 15, 2010 / Feature / Ben Ehrenreich

Bring America Home: William Greider on CAN TV Bring America Home: William Greider on CAN TV

Speaking before the Democratic Socialists of America in Chicago, The Nation's William Greider draws parallels between the political realities of today and the challenges labor act...

Jul 6, 2010 / CAN TV

Call Torture by its Real Name Call Torture by its Real Name

Instead of rape, let's just call it, "unilateral, physical intimacy." Instead of torture, let's just call it, "enhanced interrogation techniques," and pretend t...

Jul 2, 2010 / The Ed Show

Jailed US Hikers: “We Never Walked Into Iran” Jailed US Hikers: “We Never Walked Into Iran”

“We never walked into Iran,” the three American hikers who have been detained in Iran since July 2009 say during a televised interview last month.

Jun 28, 2010 / iReport

Detroit’s Social Forum: Hope in a Crisis Detroit’s Social Forum: Hope in a Crisis

At the US Social Forum in Detroit, activists from diverse backgrounds are making common cause.

Jun 24, 2010 / Ben Ehrenreich

Greg Grandin on BP, Beck and Ongoing Troubles in Latin America Greg Grandin on BP, Beck and Ongoing Troubles in Latin America

NYU professor and Nation writer Greg Grandin on GRITtv discussing Honduras, Colombia and Glenn Beck's "particular brand of Americanism that can't escape a tourette-like refere...

Jun 18, 2010 / GRITtv

Abraham Lincoln, Meet Client #9

Abraham Lincoln, Meet Client #9 Abraham Lincoln, Meet Client #9

Americans sacrifice to pay for a militarized, increasingly unequal society. Is it any wonder that people respond to calls for selflessness with defensiveness and cynicism?

Jun 9, 2010 / Column / Katha Pollitt

Beyond Business as Usual

Beyond Business as Usual Beyond Business as Usual

We can't simply grow our way out of unemployment.

May 6, 2010 / Juliet Schor
