Response 1 Response 1
David Cortright has laid out many aspects of an agenda to help the US peace movement move from the immediate work of trying to stop this war, to continuing to broaden the reach...
Apr 3, 2003 / Feature / Phyllis Bennis and John Cavanagh
Response 2 Response 2
The war is just two weeks old, yet the Bush Administration has accomplished the unprecedented isolation of the United States worldwide, even from several of its historic allies...
Apr 3, 2003 / Feature / Bill Fletcher Jr.
Response 3 Response 3
Ifind David Cortright's call useful but limiting. The most exciting aspect of the antiwar organizing has been its global reach.
Apr 3, 2003 / Feature / Medea Benjamin
The Naked and the Red The Naked and the Red
Led by a former Boeing machinist, Las Vegas exotic dancers are talking union.
Apr 3, 2003 / Feature / Marc Cooper
Dispatch From Jordan Dispatch From Jordan
The shockingly awful Anglo-American invasion of Iraq means that Jordan is now literally situated between two wars: To the west, the increasingly bloody Israeli-Palestinian conf...
Mar 27, 2003 / Feature / Mouin Rabbani
Dispatch From Egypt Dispatch From Egypt
My neighbor, who like many Egyptians prefers not to see his name in print, asked me about my nationality the morning the war broke out. "French?" he inquired hopefully. America...
Mar 27, 2003 / Feature / Steve Negus
Dispatch From Nigeria Dispatch From Nigeria
The gym is the last place to look for an impassioned discussion of global politics in Nigeria, a country that is currently pre-occupied with gasoline scarcity, rising political...
Mar 27, 2003 / Feature / Waziri Adio
Dispatch From India Dispatch From India
The Indian public has long been suspicious of the US arguments for military action against Iraq and the legitimacy of any "regime change" executed by a superpower with imperial...
Mar 27, 2003 / Feature / Praful Bidwai
Dispatch From Germany Dispatch From Germany
I came across a sign the other day, inelegantly scrawled on cardboard and stuck to a telephone pole. It read Fuck Bush.
Mar 27, 2003 / Feature / Paul Hockenos
Dispatch From Spain Dispatch From Spain
The Spanish capital took on the air of a battle zone the weekend after the war began, as antiwar protesters clashed with riot police throughout the city.
Mar 27, 2003 / Feature / Samuel Loewenberg