A White Hot Season A White Hot Season
Policy can be racist even when no one crafting it harbors hatred of a particular racial group.
Sep 23, 2009 / The Editors
Voice of America? Voice of America?
When does a society tip from expressive speech into excessive fulmination and then into repression or violence?
Sep 23, 2009 / Column / Patricia J. Williams
How to Save the News How to Save the News
The case for public funding of journalism and news outlets.
Sep 23, 2009 / Feature / William F. Baker
Olympics in Chicago: ‘Obama’s Folly’? Olympics in Chicago: ‘Obama’s Folly’?
An overwhelming majority of Chicagoans oppose spending any public money on the Olympics. But Obama is lining up with Mayor Daley in support of the Windy City's bid.
Sep 22, 2009 / Column / Dave Zirin
Racism Tarnishes News Coverage Racism Tarnishes News Coverage
How did the mainstream media cover this week's Iranian election, tea-bagger rally in DC or former President Carter's comment about racism and politics in the US?
Sep 18, 2009 / GRITtv
Obama Is Fired Up About Healthcare Obama Is Fired Up About Healthcare
The Nation's Ari Melber on Obama's speech to the AFL-CIO which seemed to inspire the president's populist side and showed an eagerness to engage with the public.
Sep 17, 2009 / MSNBC
The Right Reacts to Racism Allegations The Right Reacts to Racism Allegations
Nation blogger Melissa Harris-Lacewell discusses the importance of President Carter's remark that racism has played a role in the opposition to Obama's agenda.
Sep 17, 2009 / Countdown
Kristof’s Challenge Kristof’s Challenge
If women's equality is the cause of our time, we'll get further by acknowledging it's a challenge no country has fully met than by framing it as a Western crusade.
Sep 16, 2009 / Column / Katha Pollitt
The African Airlift The African Airlift
The 1960 "airlift" of 800 African students to study in the United States lent a crucial boost to John F. Kennedy's popularity among African-Americans.
Sep 16, 2009 / Books & the Arts / Karen Rothmyer
Hold Ashcroft Accountable Hold Ashcroft Accountable
The Ninth Circuit rules that John Ashcroft can be held accountable for the "paradigm of prevention" that led to unlawful detainment of a US citizen.
Sep 16, 2009 / David Cole