Holding Bush Accountable Holding Bush Accountable
Obama cannot let former Bush administration officials get away with breaking the law without violating his own oath of office.
Jan 15, 2009 / Feature / Elizabeth Holtzman
Gaza Agonistes Gaza Agonistes
There's panic in the neocon playground as young liberal Jewish bloggers refuse to be silenced.
Jan 15, 2009 / Column / Eric Alterman
Rick Warren’s Clout Rick Warren’s Clout
How powerful is he? Take a look at his tax breaks.
Jan 15, 2009 / Jon Wiener
Prop 8: Did Mormons Go to Far? Prop 8: Did Mormons Go to Far?
The IRS forbids religious organizations from "substantially" lobbying for political legislation. Did the Mormon Church violate this law?
Jan 15, 2009 / American News Project
Jesse Jackson ’88: Realizing the Promise Jesse Jackson ’88: Realizing the Promise
Jesse Jackson's campaign formed the basis for a new political coalition that helped elect Barack Obama America's first black president.
Jan 14, 2009 / Books & the Arts / Brett Story
Das Boot: The Unsinkable Warmonger Das Boot: The Unsinkable Warmonger
After the way they goaded us into an epic military disaster, why do media warmongers still have jobs?
The Nation’s Chris Hayes on Cheney’s Gitmo Defense The Nation’s Chris Hayes on Cheney’s Gitmo Defense
The Nation's Washington editor Chris Hayes points out the missing pieces in Dick Cheney's defense of torture at Guantánamo Bay.
Jan 14, 2009 / Countdown
Historians in Handcuffs Historians in Handcuffs
The Bush administration has systematically blocked historians' access to government archives. Does Obama hold the key to set information free?
Jan 12, 2009 / Books & the Arts / Jeff Kisseloff
The Nation’s Chris Hayes on Obama’s Gupta Pick The Nation’s Chris Hayes on Obama’s Gupta Pick
The Nation's Chris Hayes discusses Obama's controversial choice of Sanjay Gupta for Surgeon General.
Jan 9, 2009 / Countdown
Gaza Crisis Spills Onto Basketball Court Gaza Crisis Spills Onto Basketball Court
A sports arena and a basketball team recently have become the unlikely setting and target of protests against Israel's attacks on Gaza.
Jan 8, 2009 / Column / Dave Zirin