Invest in Innovation Invest in Innovation
The US economy rewarded the finance industry at the expense of our most creative problem-solvers. We need an innovation revival to grow our way back to health.
Oct 30, 2008 / Feature / James S. Henry and Jim Manzi
Web Puts Dog-Whistle Politics on a Leash Web Puts Dog-Whistle Politics on a Leash
Self-appointed Internet cops are forcing accountability for the dirtiest tricks in politics.
Oct 30, 2008 / Feature / Ari Melber
Vermont v. Bush Vermont v. Bush
Charlotte Dennett is running for Vermont attorney general on a platform that includes not letting George W. Bush get away with murder.
Oct 29, 2008 / John Nichols
A Liberal Supermajority (Finally) Finds Its Voice A Liberal Supermajority (Finally) Finds Its Voice
All evidence to the contrary, mainstream media continue to frame election issues with discredited right-wing assumptions.
Oct 29, 2008 / Column / Eric Alterman
India’s Persecuted Christians India’s Persecuted Christians
Members of India's poorest classes who converted to Christianity to escape the caste system, now find themselves the targets of brutal persecution by Hindu nationalists.
Oct 29, 2008 / Feature / Barbara Crossette
Rocking the Black Vote Rocking the Black Vote
Dallas DJ Tom Joyner is encouraging African-American listeners to engage in electoral politics.
Oct 22, 2008 / Amy Alexander
The Cold War That Wasn’t The Cold War That Wasn’t
Deconstructing the New York Times fairy tale about how nasty Russia invaded innocent Georgia.
Merrittocracy Merrittocracy
Merritt Paulson, son of Henry Paulson, asks the city of Portland to fund his new sports stadiums even though he can afford it.
Oct 22, 2008 / Column / Dave Zirin
Milk Scandal Taints China’s Self-Image Milk Scandal Taints China’s Self-Image
The tainted milk crisis could prod China to act responsibly.
Oct 22, 2008 / Feature / Anna Greenspan
Video Your Vote Video Your Vote
YouTube and PBS are offering a prominent platform for citizens to police the election process on November 4.
Oct 21, 2008 / StudentNation / The Nation