
Not Your Father’s FCC Not Your Father’s FCC

As we struggle for media democracy, let's take encouragement from the early actions of the FCC.

Mar 20, 2008 / Feature / Michael J. Copps

The Ritual Sacrifice of Samantha Power The Ritual Sacrifice of Samantha Power

A principled academic gets ground up in the media hypocrisy machine.

Mar 20, 2008 / Column / Eric Alterman

Carrying a Torch for Tibet Carrying a Torch for Tibet

Protest is as much a part of the Olympic tradition as lighting the torch.

Mar 19, 2008 / Column / Dave Zirin

Hillary’s Nasty Pastorate Hillary’s Nasty Pastorate

When it comes to unsavory religious affiliations, Hillary Clinton is a lot more vulnerable than Obama.

Mar 19, 2008 / Feature / Barbara Ehrenreich

China’s Olympic Delusion China’s Olympic Delusion

Cracking down once again in Tibet, China seeks to control the script on its flawed human rights record, yet still be regarded as a suitable host for the Olympics. Dream on.

Mar 19, 2008 / Feature / Jeffrey Wasserstrom

Notes on a Scandal Notes on a Scandal

The Spitzer affair's obvious rationality continues to elude the therapists, sexperts and pundits for whom shame is the game.

Mar 17, 2008 / JoAnn Wypijewski

Tracing Slavery’s Past Tracing Slavery’s Past

On the bicentennial of the abolition of the slave trade, a documentarian tries to come to grips with her family's history in the trade.

Mar 14, 2008 / Books & the Arts / Te-Ping Chen

Reviving Vietnam War Tactics Reviving Vietnam War Tactics

One of Gen. Petraeus's top advisors advocates a return to the global Phoenix program used during the Vietnam War.

Mar 13, 2008 / Feature / Tom Hayden

John Q. Public John Q. Public

Just once it would be nice to see a male politician caught in a sex scandal stand up there at a press conference all by himself.

Mar 13, 2008 / Column / Katha Pollitt

The Spitzer Sting The Spitzer Sting

Was there a medium-sized right-wing conspiracy to nail Eliot Spitzer?

Mar 13, 2008 / Column / Alexander Cockburn
