
Putting Science in the Dock Putting Science in the Dock

Judges' ability to discriminate against expert witnesses has ended up empowering large corporations.

Mar 12, 2007 / Feature / Barry Yeoman

Judge Not? Judge Not?

The case of a severely disabled 9-year-old girl whose parents subjected her to a series of nonessential surgeries raises troubling questions about medical ethics and public policy.

Mar 12, 2007 / Column / Patricia J. Williams

Walter Reed Scandal: How Mainstream Media Let Us Down Walter Reed Scandal: How Mainstream Media Let Us Down

Cutbacks and a penchant for profits and happy news hid the plight of wounded soldiers.

Mar 8, 2007 / Feature / Celia Viggo Wexler

Who’s Afraid of Gardasil? Who’s Afraid of Gardasil?

A medical breakthrough has provoked opposition from conservatives, consumer advocates and antivaccine groups.

Mar 8, 2007 / Feature / Karen Houppert

Time to Fix Healthcare Time to Fix Healthcare

Affordable healthcare is rapidly emerging as the top domestic policy issue in the 2008 presidential race. Candidates, got ideas?

Mar 8, 2007 / The Editors

Justice and Peace in Darfur Justice and Peace in Darfur

The International Criminal Court has taken a crucial step in naming two perpetrators of the violence in Darfur. But for survivors and victims of the ongoing catastrophe, much more ...

Mar 7, 2007 / Feature / Salih Mahmoud Osman

The Persecution of Sami Al-Arian The Persecution of Sami Al-Arian

A Palestinian professor caught in the US legal system needs all the support we can muster, as respect for constitutional freedoms sinks ever lower.

Mar 6, 2007 / Column / Alexander Cockburn

TNR’s New Owners TNR’s New Owners

No matter what you think of The New Republic's politics, the public sphere will suffer if the magazine becomes homogenized by its new corporate owner.

Mar 6, 2007 / Books & the Arts / Clint Hendler

‘There Is No Law’ ‘There Is No Law’

It's now up to the Supreme Court or the Democratic Congress to overturn the Military Commissions Act and restore our right to habeas corpus.

Mar 6, 2007 / David Cole

The Anatomy of Fear The Anatomy of Fear

In his memoir Wish I Could Be There, Allen Shawn movingly details a life crippled by phobias.

Mar 1, 2007 / Books & the Arts / D.T. Max
