
World Cup: Party On World Cup: Party On

If there is any message to be gleaned from the World Cup, it is that soccer has finally shed its freight of machismo and anguish, attracting a global audience of fans who simply wa...

Jul 10, 2006 / Feature / Simon Kuper

Buffet’s Billions Buffet’s Billions

What Warren Buffett's gift of billions to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation lacks in imagination, it makes up for in safety. If only they had the guts to tackle the real proble...

Jul 10, 2006 / Column / Nicholas von Hoffman

For His Eyes Only: Bush’s Secret Crimes

For His Eyes Only: Bush’s Secret Crimes For His Eyes Only: Bush’s Secret Crimes

By blindly accepting Bush's expansion of state secrets claims, the courts are allowing the executive branch to operate above the law, putting the core principles of our democracy a...

Jul 2, 2006 / Feature / Michael Ratner

A President Rebuked A President Rebuked

The Supreme Court's Hamdan v. Rumsfeld decision is to Bush what the Pentagon Papers were to Nixon: a devastating rebuke of a President who thought he had a blank check and a clear ...

Jun 30, 2006 / Bruce Shapiro

How to Create a Liberal Bestseller How to Create a Liberal Bestseller

Progressives can take a lesson from the success of "How Would a Patriot Act?" Mobilize the liberal blogosphere and take an obscure book for a ride on the bestseller list.

Jun 29, 2006 / Books & the Arts / Jennifer Nix

A Killing Machine Turns 30 A Killing Machine Turns 30

This summer marks a grim anniversary of a Supreme Court decision to affirm the death penalty and create a bureaucratic killing machine that puts American justice at odds with the C...

Jun 28, 2006 / Feature / Bruce Shapiro

Shadows Shadows

George Hutchinson's new biography of the mystery woman of the Harlem Renaissance reconsiders both Nella Larsen and a key moment of black cultural history.

Jun 28, 2006 / Books & the Arts / Darryl Pinckney

Mommy Wars, Round 587 Mommy Wars, Round 587

Antifeminists engage in moral discourse while feminists tend to speak in the language of personal choice. But what happens when choice is a bad idea--for yourself, other women or s...

Jun 28, 2006 / Column / Katha Pollitt

Project Corpus Callosum Project Corpus Callosum

The winner of the first-ever Nation Student Writing Contest.

Jun 28, 2006 / Sarah Stillman

Chilling the Press Chilling the Press

Did the New York Times violate the Espionage Act by publishing reports of government secret spying program? A controversial essay in Commentary has provided intellectual ammunition...

Jun 28, 2006 / Scott Sherman
