One Thing to Do About Food: A Forum One Thing to Do About Food: A Forum
How do we fix our dysfunctional relationship with food? Alice Waters leads a forum with Eric Schlosser, Marion Nestle, Peter Singer and others, who suggest, for starters, that we...
Aug 24, 2006 / Feature / Jim Hightower, Eric Schlosser, Peter Singer, Eliot Coleman, Vandana Shiva, Carlo Petrini, Winona LaDuke, Elizabeth Ransom, Troy Duster, Wendell Berry, Michael Pollan, and Marion Nestle
Slow Food Nation Slow Food Nation
Fast food is killing us--our environment, our politics and our culture. To change who we are as a nation, we must first change how we eat.
Aug 24, 2006 / Feature / Alice Waters
Eat Drink Man Woman Eat Drink Man Woman
Three new books by Julia Child, Anthony Bourdain and Bill Buford chart the evolution of American cooking, from haute cuisine to the hot kitchen of Mario Batali.
Aug 24, 2006 / Books & the Arts / Matthew DeBord
A Sort of Homecoming A Sort of Homecoming
"The spell of Africa is upon me," wrote W.E.B. Du Bois in Liberia. Three new books document the enchantment and disenchantment of the continent for its descendants.
Aug 24, 2006 / Books & the Arts / Hazel Rowley
Israel on the Slide: Who’s to Blame? Israel on the Slide: Who’s to Blame?
The Israeli press has criticized the Lebanon disaster from all political angles. The American press chooses to cheerlead instead, while liberal Jewry remains silent.
Aug 24, 2006 / Column / Alexander Cockburn
The Food Issue The Food Issue
Since we're a weekly magazine, "slow" is not a quality we often find ourselves working to achieve.
Aug 24, 2006 / The Editors
Food for Thought Food for Thought
Letters from around the country describe your favorite food institutions.
Aug 23, 2006 / Our Readers
Librarians at the Gates Librarians at the Gates
At a time when free expression and the right to privacy are under attack, librarians are on the front lines protecting our constitutional rights every day. Here are five who are ma...
Aug 22, 2006 / Feature / Joseph Huff-Hannon
War Eclipses Gay Pride War Eclipses Gay Pride
Organizers had hoped the second World Pride conference in Jerusalem would challenge religious bias against gays. But the unfolding war in Lebanon got in the way.
Aug 20, 2006 / Feature / Michael Luongo
Troops and Hoops Troops and Hoops
There's something unnerving about USA Basketball's motivational tactics for the 2006 world championship--encouraging players to spend time with wounded Iraq veterans, in hopes of e...
Aug 20, 2006 / Feature / Dave Zirin