
George Soros’s Long Strange Trip George Soros’s Long Strange Trip

Research assistance: David Levinson Wilk.

Sep 2, 1999 / Feature / Russ Baker

Marijuana Made Easy Marijuana Made Easy

For more than half a century, the US government has maintained a hard line on marijuana, denying that the plant has any medical value at all.

Sep 2, 1999 / Feature / Cynthia Cotts

The Road to Reform The Road to Reform

Nearly everyone seems to agree that the war on drugs has been a disaster, but little progress in ending it has been made.

Sep 2, 1999 / Feature / Carol A. Bergman

Beyond the Drug War Beyond the Drug War

Most of the media regard the coy refusal of George W.

Sep 2, 1999 / Editorial / The Editors

The Commentary School of Falsification The Commentary School of Falsification

Israeli schoolchildren returned to their desks this year to find a new history curriculum.

Sep 2, 1999 / Column / Christopher Hitchens

The Rest of Them Are Clean The Rest of Them Are Clean

Elizabeth Dole won't break the law. McCain has scored no coke. The thought of Hatch with smack or crack Is palpably baroque.

Sep 2, 1999 / Column / Calvin Trillin

Weird Science Weird Science

My first thought upon hearing that the Kansas state education board had removed evolution from its mandatory curriculum was: Go ahead! Be like that! Handicap your kids for life.

Sep 2, 1999 / Column / Katha Pollitt

Buchanan Breaks Ranks Buchanan Breaks Ranks

In Washington, a city in which (to borrow a phrase from Virginia Woolf) all is gossip, corruption and chatter, the end-of-summer buzz has been about Pat Buchanan and whether he'll ...

Sep 2, 1999 / Editorial / Doug Ireland and Micah L. Sifry

It’s Time for Realism It’s Time for Realism

Follow these links for the other articles in this forum: reponses by Peter Kornbluh, Mike Gray and Elliott Currie--and Massing's concluding thoughts.

Sep 2, 1999 / Feature / Michael Massing

Life of a Scandal Life of a Scandal

In mid-October 1996, two months after the publication of Gary Webb's series "Dark Alliance" in the San Jose Mercury News, an extraordinary town meeting took place in Compton, Cal...

Sep 2, 1999 / Feature / Peter Kornbluh
