
Statement on Missing US Hikers Statement on Missing US Hikers

Three Americans, including Shane Bauer, a contributor to The Nation, went missing while on a hiking trip in Iraqi Kurdistan and are presumed to be detained by Iranian authorities. ...

Aug 6, 2009 / Shon Meckfessel

A Rancid Deal with Big Pharma A Rancid Deal with Big Pharma

Did Obama sell out? If House Democrats don't insist on the government's prerogative to bargain for lower prices, reform is impossible.

Aug 6, 2009 / William Greider

Is Bipartisanship Bad for Healthcare? Is Bipartisanship Bad for Healthcare?

The Nation's Chris Hayes points out that conservative senators have little reason to vote for a healthcare reform, and Republicans will run against the bill in 2010 no matter what.

Aug 6, 2009 / Countdown

Slide Show: Healthcare Reform Now Slide Show: Healthcare Reform Now

As Congress goes on recess, the battle to reform healthcare continues to heat up. Here is a look at the players and what is at stake.

Aug 5, 2009 / The Nation

Erik Prince testifies

Blackwater Founder Erik Prince Implicated in Murder Blackwater Founder Erik Prince Implicated in Murder

Sworn statements filed in federal court allege that Blackwater founder Erik Prince launched a “crusade” to eliminate Muslims and Islam.

Aug 4, 2009 / Feature / Jeremy Scahill

The Paulsons’ Edifice Complex The Paulsons’ Edifice Complex

For Henry Paulson and his son Merritt, the taxpayers of Portland, Oregon, must look like geese with an infinite supply of golden eggs.

Aug 3, 2009 / Column / Dave Zirin and Jules Boykoff

Fear of a Black President Fear of a Black President

Right wing commentators would rather stir up racial prejudice than enter into a serious debate about the future of US healthcare.

Aug 3, 2009 / Media Matters for America

Has the Media Killed Healthcare Reform? Has the Media Killed Healthcare Reform?

The Nation's editor and publisher, Katrina vanden Heuvel, joins a panel discussion on the media's coverage of healthcare and the Gates arrest.

Jul 31, 2009 / GRITtv

Katha Pollitt on the Mind-Body Problem Katha Pollitt on the Mind-Body Problem

Pollitt's new book explores many themes including poetry and politics, poetry and motherhood, and why poetry matters, even if people think it doesn't.

Jul 30, 2009 / GRITtv

Right-Wing Racism Reaches New Heights Right-Wing Racism Reaches New Heights

Nation contributor Melissa Harris-Lacewell on the latest offensive outbursts directed at Obama. Is it a political strategy or a genuine example of racial prejudice?

Jul 30, 2009 / The Rachel Maddow Show
