
Bloggers Back Obama’s Agenda, Not His Strategy Bloggers Back Obama’s Agenda, Not His Strategy

The Netroots Nation conference pulls in big Democratic names and spawns arguments in unlikely places.

Aug 17, 2009 / Feature / Ari Melber

What Is the Public Option? What Is the Public Option?

The Nation's Chris Hayes explains the proposed healthcare reforms as part of a panel discussion at the Netroots Nation conference.

Aug 17, 2009 / Sum of Change

Sanders: Lies, Fibs and Anti-Reformers Sanders: Lies, Fibs and Anti-Reformers

Since many Americans are misinformed about the opportunities a healthcare reform will bring, Sen. Bernie Sanders tries to expose the lies surrounding the bill.

Aug 14, 2009 / Brave New Films

Will Vick Soar as an Eagle? Will Vick Soar as an Eagle?

Michael Vick has a new team, but will Philadelphia Eagles fans welcome him with their proverbial brotherly love?

Aug 14, 2009 / Column / Dave Zirin

Tyler Perry’s Gender Problem Tyler Perry’s Gender Problem

Filmmaker Tyler Perry may see himself as creating modern-day fairy tales for black women, but he's actually reinforcing some seriously conservative gender politics.

Aug 13, 2009 / Books & the Arts / Courtney Young

Money for Nothing Money for Nothing

Big profits on Wall Street, and the big bonuses they fund, are not justified by the marketplace.

Aug 12, 2009 / Jeff Madrick

Blue Dog Daze Blue Dog Daze

Progressives must challenge the obstructionists in both parties who can't see which way the wind is blowing.

Aug 12, 2009 / The Editors

Healthcare We Can Believe In Healthcare We Can Believe In

Polls show most Americans still want reform. But polls don't mean much politically if everyone stays quiet. Never mind wonkery--we need a movement.

Aug 12, 2009 / Column / Katha Pollitt

Racism Runs Wild at Town Halls Racism Runs Wild at Town Halls

Nation blogger Melissa Harris-Lacewell on the racist undercurrent of the anti-healthcare reform crowds, the "birthers" and the recent trend of hanging public officials in effigy.

Aug 12, 2009 / Countdown

Boxing’s Month From Hell Boxing’s Month From Hell

Eight professional boxers died under dubious circumstances during one month this summer. Why hasn't there been a national outcry for industry reform?

Aug 11, 2009 / Column / Dave Zirin
