
Whose Side’s Jesus On? Whose Side’s Jesus On?

Gore says he prays when crises loom. He asks just what would Jesus do. And then he does that very thing (If focus groups would do it too). So whose side's Jesus on, fol...

Oct 26, 2000 / Column / Calvin Trillin

The Kiss The Kiss

You may find reading Akhil Sharma's debut novel akin to having your head held underwater. Attendant with feelings of a relentless, choking panic, though, will be an almost preter...

Oct 19, 2000 / Books & the Arts / Amitava Kumar

What Do They Want? What Do They Want?

I keep reading that the election turns on women's votes. Yet apart from the issue of abortion, women seem curiously invisible this election season--except of course for the endle...

Oct 19, 2000 / Column / Katha Pollitt

Bush: Marlboro’s Man Bush: Marlboro’s Man

While the differences between George W. Bush and Al Gore may still be coming into focus for many Americans in the final weeks before the election, one is already stark. On tobacc...

Oct 19, 2000 / Dan Zegart

Unhealthy Politics Unhealthy Politics

The number-one healthcare issue facing the country is not which prescription drug plan is best for seniors or whether a handful of patients will be able to sue their HMOs. It is ...

Oct 19, 2000 / Trudy Lieberman

Misidentity Politics Misidentity Politics

The high point of liberal faith that the color line might be permanently breached may have been the 1963 March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom. From a participant's perspectiv...

Oct 19, 2000 / Books & the Arts / Stanley Aronowitz

The Trials of Lori Berenson The Trials of Lori Berenson

The Trials of Lori Berenson New York City The Nation acknowledges that military and civilian trials in Peru violate due process of law in terrorism cases, that...

Oct 12, 2000 / The Editors, Ramsey Clark, Jonathan Levi, Liz Mineo, Ari Zighelboim, and Elizabeth Schwartz

Blaming Arik Last Blaming Arik Last

Marvin Kalb, executive director of the Washington office of Harvard's Shorenstein Center on the Press, Politics, and Public Policy, diagnoses an anti-Israel tilt in the US media,...

Oct 12, 2000 / Column / Eric Alterman

Gay-Bashing at the Polls Gay-Bashing at the Polls

In their hunger to take back the White House, the Jerry Falwells and the Pat Robertsons have swallowed the mellow prose of Texas scripted for them by George W.'s handlers--but at...

Oct 12, 2000 / Doug Ireland

Getting Out the Vote Getting Out the Vote

I'm surprised at how many otherwise thoughtful people seem convinced that this election "makes no difference." In my very first Nation column, I quoted Justice Antonin Scalia, wh...

Oct 12, 2000 / Column / Patricia J. Williams
