
Ending Timor’s Ordeal Ending Timor’s Ordeal

Indonesia's scorched-earth compliance with international pressure on East Timor has left Dili, the capital, in ruins, displaced some 100,000 people to refugee camps under the con...

Sep 16, 1999 / The Editors

CBS-Viacom Nuptials CBS-Viacom Nuptials

An abbreviated version of this article appeared in the October 4, 1999 issue.

Sep 16, 1999 / Mark Crispin Miller

A Haunted Journey A Haunted Journey

After the war life will begin to stir once again, but we won't be here, we will have vanished just as the Aztecs have vanished.

Sep 9, 1999 / Feature / Daniel Singer

Students for Sale Students for Sale

Research support was provided by the Open Society Institute and the Investigative Fund of The Nation Institute.

Sep 9, 1999 / Feature / Steven Manning

On the Possibility That Pat Buchanan Will Run as a Third-Party Candidate On the Possibility That Pat Buchanan Will Run as a Third-Party Candidate

Buchanan hints he's leaving. The GOP says, "Stay!" They fear that he'd be draining The wacko vote away.

Sep 9, 1999 / Column / Calvin Trillin

Little Limbaughs and the Fire Next Time Little Limbaughs and the Fire Next Time

Residents of Skaneateles, New York, complained to visiting reporters about the Clintons' decision to make themselves relatively scarce on their recent vacation.

Sep 9, 1999 / Column / Eric Alterman

Beyond the Drug War Beyond the Drug War

Most of the media regard the coy refusal of George W.

Sep 2, 1999 / The Editors

The Commentary School of Falsification The Commentary School of Falsification

Israeli schoolchildren returned to their desks this year to find a new history curriculum.

Sep 2, 1999 / Column / Christopher Hitchens

The Rest of Them Are Clean The Rest of Them Are Clean

Elizabeth Dole won't break the law. McCain has scored no coke. The thought of Hatch with smack or crack Is palpably baroque.

Sep 2, 1999 / Column / Calvin Trillin

Weird Science Weird Science

My first thought upon hearing that the Kansas state education board had removed evolution from its mandatory curriculum was: Go ahead! Be like that! Handicap your kids for life.

Sep 2, 1999 / Column / Katha Pollitt
