
The back of Tampa Bay Buccaneers quarterback Tom Brady's football jersey.

So Who Was Tom Brady? So Who Was Tom Brady?

After a quarter-century in the public eye, the future Hall of Famer is retiring, and we somehow know even less about him now than when he started.

Feb 3, 2023 / Dave Zirin

Josh Hawley holding pencil in front of microphone

The GOP’s Phony Class War The GOP’s Phony Class War

Racist resentment plus plutocratic economics don’t equal a “working-class party.”

Feb 3, 2023 / Jeet Heer

The Crisis Killing Black Women

The Crisis Killing Black Women The Crisis Killing Black Women

Misogynoir gained widespread attention in the wake of the violence experienced by Megan Thee Stallion and Meghan Markle, but the problem goes much deeper.

Feb 3, 2023 / Kali Holloway

Ilhan Omar Will Not Be Silenced

Ilhan Omar Will Not Be Silenced Ilhan Omar Will Not Be Silenced

The GOP’s decision to remove Omar from her most cherished committee was petty and cruel—but she’s not going anywhere.

Feb 3, 2023 / John Nichols

Forced Migration Thanks to Industrialized Nations

Forced Migration Thanks to Industrialized Nations Forced Migration Thanks to Industrialized Nations

Stop blaming the victims. Climate change leaves no other recourse for survival.

Feb 3, 2023 / OppArt / Peter Kuper

Georgia SWAT team dressed in fatigues

Deadly Violence Against Protesters Is the New Normal Deadly Violence Against Protesters Is the New Normal

Our over-militarized police force makes de-escalation unthinkable and violence inevitable—and, in the case of the "Cop City" shooting, lethal.

Feb 3, 2023 / Michael Gould-Wartofsky

Ketamine Clinic

Can Psychedelics Solve the Youth Mental Health Crisis? Can Psychedelics Solve the Youth Mental Health Crisis?

Nearly two-thirds of young adults report having either depression or anxiety. In California, Connecticut, Illinois, and other states, lawmakers are considering their options for ps...

Feb 3, 2023 / StudentNation / Isaac Lozano

What We Can Do Right Now to Stop Anti-Asian Violence

What We Can Do Right Now to Stop Anti-Asian Violence What We Can Do Right Now to Stop Anti-Asian Violence

Recent massacres have made anti-Asian violence seem more entrenched than ever. But there are concrete steps we can take right now to make our communities safer.

Feb 2, 2023 / Promise Li

The Cops!

The Cops! The Cops!

You get what you pay for.

Feb 2, 2023 / OppArt / Jen Sorensen

General Motors workers strike on September 14, 1970.

Will New Leadership Make the UAW Labor’s Vanguard Once Again? Will New Leadership Make the UAW Labor’s Vanguard Once Again?

In the wake of a corruption scandal, the autoworkers' union leadership faces the first contested election in over three-quarters of a century. But the old guard won't go without a ...

Feb 2, 2023 / Nelson Lichtenstein
