At the March for Abortion Rights, a New Generation of Activists Takes Center Stage At the March for Abortion Rights, a New Generation of Activists Takes Center Stage
The march felt like less a reaction to impending crisis and more the announcement of a rejuvenated feminist movement.
Oct 5, 2021 / Amy Littlefield

The Expansive Feminism of Jacqueline Rose The Expansive Feminism of Jacqueline Rose
Rose’s latest book, On Violence and On Violence Against Women, is a rigorous and capacious study of contemporary gender politics and solidarity.
Oct 5, 2021 / Books & the Arts / Cora Currier

Eric Williams and the Tangled History of Capitalism and Slavery Eric Williams and the Tangled History of Capitalism and Slavery
The historian and politician helped transform how several generations understood 18th- and 19th-century history.
Oct 5, 2021 / Books & the Arts / Gerald Horne

Why the Media Is (Mostly) Screwing Up What’s Happening With Democrats Why the Media Is (Mostly) Screwing Up What’s Happening With Democrats
Progressives are the pragmatists; Conservadems are blocking Joe Biden’s agenda. That’s it. That’s the story.
Oct 4, 2021 / Joan Walsh

Is Chevron’s Vendetta Against Steven Donziger Finally Backfiring? Is Chevron’s Vendetta Against Steven Donziger Finally Backfiring?
A judge sentenced the human rights lawyer to six months in prison—but the calls for environmental justice are only growing.
Oct 4, 2021 / James North

Waiting Periods and Background Checks Waiting Periods and Background Checks
Rational gun laws can prevent irrational actions.
Oct 4, 2021 / OppArt / David Plunkert

Grace Cho’s Memoir of Food and Empire Grace Cho’s Memoir of Food and Empire
Intertwining a personal story of Korean food ways and a family history caught in the midst of violence, Tastes Like War tests the limits, and shows the power, of memoir.
Oct 4, 2021 / Books & the Arts / E. Tammy Kim

She Should Have Been the First Woman Democratic Nominee for Vice President She Should Have Been the First Woman Democratic Nominee for Vice President
Frances “Sissy” Farenthold, who died Sunday, argued almost 50 years ago that a woman should be on the presidential ticket.
Oct 1, 2021 / John Nichols

The Fire This Time The Fire This Time
Why so truculent? Scenes from our series “The Greater Quiet” for the week of September 27.
Oct 1, 2021 / Steve Brodner