There Goes the Neighborhood: Pakistan Is Uneasy Over the Taliban’s Return There Goes the Neighborhood: Pakistan Is Uneasy Over the Taliban’s Return
Despite their differing responses to the Taliban victory, Pakistanis are united in believing they are not to blame.

What Is College Really Worth? What Is College Really Worth?
As the price of college goes up and the value of a degree goes down, are students being given a fair deal?
Aug 18, 2021 / StudentNation / Rebecca Gordon

How the Pandemic Changed Young People’s Relationship to Substances How the Pandemic Changed Young People’s Relationship to Substances
During a year of isolation, many young adults increased their consumption of alcohol and other drugs.
Aug 18, 2021 / StudentNation / Teresa Xie

Governor Cuomo Resigns Governor Cuomo Resigns
Eleven women accused Cuomo of sexual assault and harassment.
Aug 17, 2021 / OppArt / Andrea Arroyo

Public Education Is Set Up to Fail in the Pandemic Public Education Is Set Up to Fail in the Pandemic
A crisis looms over school reentry. Chronic underinvestment threatens to make it that much worse.
Aug 17, 2021 / StudentNation / Melody Schreiber

White Feminists Wanted to Invade White Feminists Wanted to Invade
Afghan women never asked for US air strikes.
Aug 17, 2021 / Rafia Zakaria

Whatever, Voice of Reason Whatever, Voice of Reason
From climate change to the Delta variant, too bad there’s nothing we can do!
Aug 17, 2021 / Tom Tomorrow

Washington’s War in Afghanistan Is Over. What Happens Now? Washington’s War in Afghanistan Is Over. What Happens Now?
President Biden was right to withdraw US troops. But we should have no illusion that this will end the war for Afghans.
Aug 16, 2021 / Phyllis Bennis

The Story of an Afghan Girl The Story of an Afghan Girl
Unlike Joe Biden, Mursal wasn’t surprised at how fast Kabul fell. She knows firsthand how effectively the Taliban has been terrorizing Afghans into silence and complicity.
Aug 16, 2021 / Column / Helen Benedict

Vaccination Inspiration Vaccination Inspiration
Only 50 percent of the US population is fully vaccinated, with much lower rates in some areas.
Aug 16, 2021 / OppArt / Hooked Hands