
How the Voice of Janay Rice Has Been Silenced by the Media

How the Voice of Janay Rice Has Been Silenced by the Media How the Voice of Janay Rice Has Been Silenced by the Media

Janay Rice is being revictimized by the media.

Sep 16, 2014 / Melissa Harris-Perry

Why NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell Must Go and Who Should Replace Him

Why NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell Must Go and Who Should Replace Him Why NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell Must Go and Who Should Replace Him

If the NFL wants to truly change, and not just clean up its image, it should fire Roger Goodell and replace him with forward-thinking football insiders.

Sep 15, 2014 / Dave Zirin

How James Brown Saved CBS’s Pre-Game-Show-From-Hell

How James Brown Saved CBS’s Pre-Game-Show-From-Hell How James Brown Saved CBS’s Pre-Game-Show-From-Hell

In a speech for the ages, CBS sports broadcaster James Brown stands up to toxic masculinity.

Sep 12, 2014 / Dave Zirin

Of Optics and Objectivity: How Journalism Is Failing Our Democracy

Of Optics and Objectivity: How Journalism Is Failing Our Democracy Of Optics and Objectivity: How Journalism Is Failing Our Democracy

Eric on "The Beatles in Mono" and Reed on how the emphasis on optics skews our democratic priorities.

Sep 11, 2014 / Books & the Arts / Eric Alterman and Reed Richardson

‘Erase the Tapes!’: The Beginning of the End for Roger Goodell

‘Erase the Tapes!’: The Beginning of the End for Roger Goodell ‘Erase the Tapes!’: The Beginning of the End for Roger Goodell

Has Roger Goodell been lying about whether or not anyone in his office had access to the elevator videotape of Ray Rice's assault of Janay Rice? A bombshell report by the AP ma...

Sep 10, 2014 / Dave Zirin

Ray Rice Is Not the First Domestic Abuser Tolerated by the NFL

Ray Rice Is Not the First Domestic Abuser Tolerated by the NFL Ray Rice Is Not the First Domestic Abuser Tolerated by the NFL

The league treated Rice’s abhorrent behavior as a public relations issue, not a domestic violence issue.

Sep 9, 2014 / Dave Zirin

The Revictimizing of Janay Rice

The Revictimizing of Janay Rice The Revictimizing of Janay Rice

The lack of concern for Janay Rice now that the video of Ray Rice knocking her unconscious has been released is truly troubling.

Sep 8, 2014 / Dave Zirin

Out for Executing the NBA Game Plan: The Atlanta Hawks and That Levenson E-mail

Out for Executing the NBA Game Plan: The Atlanta Hawks and That Levenson E-mail Out for Executing the NBA Game Plan: The Atlanta Hawks and That Levenson E-mail

Atlanta Hawks owner Bruce Levenson “self-reported” an e-mail full of racist theories about how to get more white fans. But how much did Levenson’s words stray fro...

Sep 8, 2014 / Dave Zirin

You Can’t Unsee It: Washington Football Name and Quiet Acts of Resistance

You Can’t Unsee It: Washington Football Name and Quiet Acts of Resistance You Can’t Unsee It: Washington Football Name and Quiet Acts of Resistance

When ESPN reporters and fans aren’t buying a racist name, it might be time for Dan Snyder to sell.

Sep 5, 2014 / Dave Zirin

UPDATED: Michael Sam: Out of the Closet, Out of the NFL?

UPDATED: Michael Sam: Out of the Closet, Out of the NFL? UPDATED: Michael Sam: Out of the Closet, Out of the NFL?

Michael Sam, the first openly gay player with a chance of making an NFL team, now finds himself on the outside looking in.

Sep 2, 2014 / Dave Zirin
