Egyptian Athletes Take a Stand and Pay a Price Egyptian Athletes Take a Stand and Pay a Price
Egypt: where you are taking your career in your hands by the simple act of raising four fingers.
Nov 14, 2013 / Dave Zirin

Stop Blaming Black Men for the Dolphins Locker-Room Racism Stop Blaming Black Men for the Dolphins Locker-Room Racism
Many writers put the fault for Richie Incognito's racist bullying on a generation of African-American players. This is just wrong.
Nov 12, 2013 / Dave Zirin

On Reflection: Jay Glazer’s Interview with Richie Incognito On Reflection: Jay Glazer’s Interview with Richie Incognito
Having seen all the footage, my initial judgment of Jay Glazer was overly harsh.
Nov 11, 2013 / Dave Zirin
NFL Players Confronted With the Question ‘What Makes a Man’? NFL Players Confronted With the Question ‘What Makes a Man’?
The NFL’s manhood code is profoundly destructive. If anything good comes out of this Richie Incognito story, maybe it is that we can work to change it.
Nov 10, 2013 / Dave Zirin
The Chicago Bears: A Ray of Light in the Darkness of the NFL’s Bully-palooza The Chicago Bears: A Ray of Light in the Darkness of the NFL’s Bully-palooza
The Richie Incognito/Jonathan Martin story has at least revealed an NFL team that refuses to see harassment as part of doing business.
Nov 8, 2013 / Dave Zirin

Dave Zirin: The NFL’s Bully Culture Needs to End Dave Zirin: The NFL’s Bully Culture Needs to End
Dave Zirin talks with Amy Goodman on the NFL’s bullying problem and the need to change sports culture for the better.
Nov 8, 2013 / Press Room

The Miami Dolphins Showcase Bully Solidarity The Miami Dolphins Showcase Bully Solidarity
As Dolphins players rush to support accused racist bully Richie Incognito, it is worth asking who is pulling the strings.
Nov 7, 2013 / Dave Zirin

The NFL’s Bully Problem The NFL’s Bully Problem
The story of NFL player Richie Incognito bullying a teammate is just the tip of the iceberg.
Nov 5, 2013 / Dave Zirin

Open Letter to Redskins Owner Dan Snyder: Dear Dan, You Can’t Say You Weren’t Warned Open Letter to Redskins Owner Dan Snyder: Dear Dan, You Can’t Say You Weren’t Warned
Dan Snyder, owner of the Washington Redskins, will be subject to demonstrations this week in Minneapolis. It is just the latest in a groundswell to change the name.
Nov 4, 2013 / Dave Zirin

Boston Red Sox Party Like It’s 1918 and My Hate Is on Hold Boston Red Sox Party Like It’s 1918 and My Hate Is on Hold
Baseball is about the unity of tradition and change. The Boston Red Sox's World Series victory has demonstrated this in dramatic fashion.
Oct 31, 2013 / Dave Zirin