
Occupy the NBA! Occupy the NBA!

If we are going to Occupy Wall Street, DC and other locales, let’s take the fight to corporate greed ground zero: David Stern’s NBA.

Oct 3, 2011 / Dave Zirin

Troy Davis, John Carlos and the Moment That Still Matters Troy Davis, John Carlos and the Moment That Still Matters

The day of Troy Davis’s execution, I finally understood why John Carlos and Tommie Smith still resonate today.

Sep 26, 2011 / Dave Zirin

Dave Zirin: Tim Tebow and the NFL’s Political Hypocrisy

Dave Zirin: Tim Tebow and the NFL’s Political Hypocrisy Dave Zirin: Tim Tebow and the NFL’s Political Hypocrisy

The problem is not that sports and politics don't mix, but that for the league owners, sports and certain types of politics don't mix.

Sep 23, 2011 / ESPN

Nebraska Cornhusker Fans Chop Block Pipeline Nebraska Cornhusker Fans Chop Block Pipeline

In the shock of the college football season, University of Nebraska Cornhusker fans took a stand against the Keystone Pipeline.

Sep 19, 2011 / Dave Zirin

Where Was the Pat Tillman Story on NFL Sunday? Where Was the Pat Tillman Story on NFL Sunday?

The League embraced its role on the anniversary of the 9/11 attacks yet hardly mentioned the late Pat Tillman.

Sep 12, 2011 / Dave Zirin

The NFL Will Remember 9/11 in All the Wrong Ways The NFL Will Remember 9/11 in All the Wrong Ways

I wish restraint was the order of the day as the NFL season opens on the tenth anniversary of 9/11. It won't be.

Sep 6, 2011 / Dave Zirin

Michael Vick and the Forgotten Masses Michael Vick and the Forgotten Masses

Michael Vick's ascension should be cause for reflection, not celebration

Aug 31, 2011 / Dave Zirin

Jerry Richardson, Cam Newton and the Color of Control Jerry Richardson, Cam Newton and the Color of Control

Panthers owner Jerry Richardson is bragging to the press that he advises new quarterback Cam Newton on his tattoos and piercings.

Aug 28, 2011 / Dave Zirin

Nation Readers Reflect on their Childhood Sports Heroes: Second Edition

Nation Readers Reflect on their Childhood Sports Heroes: Second Edition Nation Readers Reflect on their Childhood Sports Heroes: Second Edition

Roberto Clemente, Ernie Davis, Ted Williams and many more. The Nation's readers choose their childhood sports heroes.

Aug 22, 2011 / The Nation

Don’t Give the Miami Hurricanes the Death Penalty: Give It to the NCAA Don’t Give the Miami Hurricanes the Death Penalty: Give It to the NCAA

Following an exposé, people are saying that Miami University shouldn't get the death penalty. They shouldn't.  But the NCAA sure should.

Aug 18, 2011 / Dave Zirin
