Progressives Around the Country Are Recalling Sewer Socialism’s Proud History Progressives Around the Country Are Recalling Sewer Socialism’s Proud History
At the local level, sidewalk socialists represent a movement whose time has come.
Jul 21, 2021 / Katrina vanden Heuvel

This Texas Democrat Doesn’t Want Proud Boys Standing Over His Grandmother as She Votes This Texas Democrat Doesn’t Want Proud Boys Standing Over His Grandmother as She Votes
Representative James Talarico is a rising star thanks to his adept pushback on Trump’s Big Lie and the Texas GOP’s anti–voting rights agenda.
Jul 19, 2021 / Joan Walsh

Biden Is Not Meeting the Moment on Voting Rights Biden Is Not Meeting the Moment on Voting Rights
A passionate speech is no match for the GOP’s commitment to voter suppression and election subversion.
Jul 14, 2021 / Joan Walsh

The Community That May Be Hurt Most by Republican Voter Restrictions: Americans With Disabilities The Community That May Be Hurt Most by Republican Voter Restrictions: Americans With Disabilities
Bills making it harder for them to vote from home are an affront to their civil rights.
Jul 13, 2021 / Katrina vanden Heuvel

Drought Takes Hold of California Drought Takes Hold of California
As the recall election nears, rising heat and access to water may become defining political issues for the state.
Jul 9, 2021 / Sasha Abramsky

Harlem Is Sending a Black Lesbian Democratic Socialist to the City Council Harlem Is Sending a Black Lesbian Democratic Socialist to the City Council
A radical poet and educator’s come-from-behind victory over a machine politician complicates the narrative that New York Black moderates rejected a left agenda.
Jul 8, 2021 / Joan Walsh

Eric Adams Won as a Centrist, but Bold Progressives Took the Other 2 Citywide Contests Eric Adams Won as a Centrist, but Bold Progressives Took the Other 2 Citywide Contests
Important victories for progressives Jumaane Williams and Brad Lander, along with key council candidates, are a reminder that New York voters can produce multiple mandates.
Jul 7, 2021 / John Nichols

Bigots Have Finally Accomplished Their Goal of Gutting the Voting Rights Act Bigots Have Finally Accomplished Their Goal of Gutting the Voting Rights Act
The Supreme Court’s decision upholding voter restrictions in Arizona paves the way for widespread disenfranchisement of voters of color.
Jul 2, 2021 / Elie Mystal

New York’s Election Mess Is Not the Fault of Ranked-Choice Voting New York’s Election Mess Is Not the Fault of Ranked-Choice Voting
The chaotic count of mayoral election votes has “nothing to do with ranked-choice voting and everything to do with mistakes the Board of Elections has made.”
Jul 1, 2021 / John Nichols

The Political Revolution Comes to… Buffalo? The Political Revolution Comes to… Buffalo?
The stunning victory of socialist challenger India Walton over the city’s four-term incumbent has ignited a revolution here—if she can keep it.
Jun 28, 2021 / Geoff Kelly