State and Local Elections

Betsy DeVos Hearing

The White House Has Hosted a Predators’ Ball of Corruption The White House Has Hosted a Predators’ Ball of Corruption

Here’s how the incoming Democratic Congress can expose it and make the case for bold reform.

Dec 6, 2018 / Feature / Katrina vanden Heuvel

John Barrow

Georgia Voters Lose Out on a Secretary of State Who Would Have Protected Their Voting Rights Georgia Voters Lose Out on a Secretary of State Who Would Have Protected Their Voting Rights

Stacey Abrams put time and money behind the runoff election for Georgia secretary of state, but in the wake of her loss, a lot of other resources disappeared.

Dec 5, 2018 / Joan Walsh

Madison WI GOP protest

State Republicans Are Refusing to Honor the Peaceful Transition of Power State Republicans Are Refusing to Honor the Peaceful Transition of Power

In Wisconsin, Michigan, and other states, the refusal of Republicans to accept election results sends an ominous signal.

Dec 4, 2018 / John Nichols

Scott Walker at Conservative Summit

Scott Walker’s Sore-Loser Scheme Scott Walker’s Sore-Loser Scheme

Shaken by November 6 losses, Wisconsin Republicans seek to change election dates, restrict voting, and limit high-turnout elections before they relinquish power.

Dec 3, 2018 / John Nichols

Letters Icon

Letters From the December 17-24, 2018, Issue Letters From the December 17-24, 2018, Issue

Down the rabbit hole… Bird is the word… Forgotten victory… Dump the hump… Road map for change… History repeats itself…

Nov 22, 2018 / Our Readers

9 Lessons From the 2018 Midterms

9 Lessons From the 2018 Midterms 9 Lessons From the 2018 Midterms

Progressives made significant gains, but now they need to organize bigger, better, and smarter.

Nov 21, 2018 / Feature / D.D. Guttenplan

Democrats Are Finally Fighting for the States—and on Election Night, They Won Big

Democrats Are Finally Fighting for the States—and on Election Night, They Won Big Democrats Are Finally Fighting for the States—and on Election Night, They Won Big

Democrats have won back a third of the nearly 1,000 state legislative seats they lost during Obama’s presidency. Can they keep the momentum going?

Nov 20, 2018 / Feature / Joan Walsh

florida amendment four ice cream truck

Americans Not Only Favor Democrats, They Favor Democracy Americans Not Only Favor Democrats, They Favor Democracy

This election cycle, voters vigorously embraced broader enfranchisement, campaign-finance reform, and an end to partisan gerrymandering—Democratic leaders should, too.

Nov 20, 2018 / Adam Eichen

The Best News From the Midterms? Down-Ballot Democratic Triumphs.

The Best News From the Midterms? Down-Ballot Democratic Triumphs. The Best News From the Midterms? Down-Ballot Democratic Triumphs.

These winners will be the big names of our future national politics.

Nov 20, 2018 / Feature / John Nichols

Vote Sticker

What Do Republicans Have Against High-Turnout Elections? Everything What Do Republicans Have Against High-Turnout Elections? Everything

Lame-duck Governor Scott Walker is talking about rewriting Wisconsin election rules to thwart a future high-turnout election.

Nov 19, 2018 / John Nichols
